The History of French English Relations in Canada

  • WW1 Conscription Crisis

    WW1 Conscription Crisis
    Social Studies 11 Jerry FalkThe French were not in support of sending more troops to the European front because they felt they had already contributed enough.
  • Period: to

    The Duplesiss Era/The Great Darkness

    social studies 11 jerry falk Was known for supporting the Catholic church and catholic education. Reulting in Quebec schools graduating many teachers, philosophers + theslogians not buisness men, entrepeneurs etc... As a result, Quebec's economy became stagnant.
  • World War Two Conscription Crisis

    World War Two Conscription Crisis
    Socials Studies 11 Jerry Falk By 1942 reserves were startlingly low and Hitler had constolled all of Europe raising the need for conscripts. By the time they were trained the war was mostly over. Fr - Eng relations strained but not broken.
  • Quiet Revolution Begins

    Quiet Revolution Begins
    Many changes occured in Quebec. Jean Lesage wanted more control over future desicion making for Quebec. This revolution was characterized by secularization which is a move away from the catholic church in policy affairs, massive investments in public education, strengthening of welfare of the state, unionization of the civil service, measures to control economy, and nationalization of hydro electric production.
  • Period: to

    Separatist Movement

    Separitist movement A party pledged to separitism to Quebec and won the provincial election. Education in English schools was greatly restricted. It also changed English palce names and imposed French as the language of business, court judgments, laws, government regulations, and public institutions.
  • 1962 Maitre Chez Nous

    Maitre Chez Nous(Jean Lesage, Liberal Party Campaign slogan)
    Jean Lesage wanted to consolidate the ongoing reforms and enjoy the disorganization of the National Union.The Prime Minister and his team offer voters to approve the nationalization of eleven private electricity companies.During the campaign, the Liberals adopted the nationalist slogan "Maîtres chez nous".
  • Front de liberation du Quebec LQ party is formed

    Front de liberation
    The FLQ is best known for the 1970 October Crisis. The Crisis was the first occasion in the history of Canada that its citizens were deprived of their rights and freedoms during peace time.
  • Canada’s New Flag

    Canada’s New Flag
    Canadas new flag It was decided to have a flag without a british symbol on it. It also acted as a means to unite Canada.
  • Canada’s Immigration Policy becomes “Colour Blind”

    Canadas immigrationPrior to this the immigration policy was retrictive, giving preference to English speaking applicants. Now the policy was based on the points system where applicants are scored.
  • Trudeau Becomes Prime Minister

    Pierre Becomes Priminister
    On April 6th 1968 he became Priminister. He was charming, well liked, and started off and finished very well.
  • Official Languages Act passed

    Official Languages Act passed
    social studies 11
    Jerry Falk
    made Canada Bilingual nation
  • Official Languages Act passed

    Social Studies 11 Jerry Falk This was a product of the research and fact finding mission of the Bi- and bi communism. AKA the Royal communism on billingualism and biculturalism who discovered that French Canadians alienation from the rest of Canada was growing problematic.
  • the War Measures Act

    the War Measures Act
    The War Measures Act was a federal statue adopted by adopted by parliament in 1914. During the 1970 October Crisis in Quebec it was used controversially. It has been replaced since then with the Emergencies Act.
  • FLQ Crisis (Oct 5, 2970) aka October Crisis,

    four men posing as deliverymen kidnapped British trade commissioner James Richard Cross from his plush Montreal residence.
  • Policy of Multiculturalism

    Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. By so doing, Canada affirmed the value and dignity of all Canadian citizens regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, their language, or their religious affiliation.
  • Bill 22 introduced by Robert Bourassa

    Bill 22 introduced by Robert Bourassa
    Made French the official language of Quebec and strengthened French in the work place.
  • Parti Quebecois wins provincial election on Quebec

    Parti Quebecois wins provincial election on Quebec
    Social Studies 11 Jerry Falk defeated the liberals in the provincial election. The PQ was a non violent separtist party that was dedicated to winning independance for Quebec.
  • Bill 101 introduced by Parti Quebecois, Rene Levesque

    Bill 101
    the French-speaking population was subjected to English-language governance under the Act of Union of 1840. Some francophone leaders accepted the union, but others fought for the creation of a politically autonomous Québec state.
  • Immigration policy moves to ‘sponsorship program’

    Immigrationinvolved broad reforms and set the basic framework for Canada’s contemporary immigration policy. A key element of the new Act was the requirement for greater planning and provincial consultation in immigration policy.
  • Bill 101 passed

    bill 101
    Bill 101 dealing with french language restrictions was finally passed.
  • Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    Quebec Referendum This was when Quebec was trying to become seperate from Canada. It ended in a law being made that you must talk to 9 other provinces if you wanted soveirgnty.
  • Constitution Act

    constitution act
    The Constitution Act, 1982 enshrined the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution, and completed the unfinished business of Canadian independence — allowing Canadians to amend their own Constitution without requiring approval from Britain.
  • Patriation of the Constitution.

    The act was introduced as part of Canada's process of patriating the constitution, introducing several amendments to the British North America Act, 1867, and changing the latter's name in Canada to the Constitution Act, 1867.
  • Reform Party Created

    PM Brian Mulrony wanted Quebec's signature on constitution with honour and enthusiasm. Reform party is born out of feelings of:
    1) Western alienation 2) Senate reform 3) Fr- Eng relations 4) aboriginal self gov't
  • Bloc Quebecois Formed

    Reform party
    Parti Québécois, won 54 seats in the House of Commons in 1993 and became the official opposition.
  • 1988 Deptartment of Multiculturalism formed

    Canadian MulticulturalismBelief in the Canadian "mosaic" u.s. the USA's "melting pot." Discouraged assimilation but encouraged expressing your culture.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech lake
    an agreement between the federal and provincial governments to amend the Constitution by strengthening provincial powers and declaring Québec a "distinct society."
  • Charlottetown Accord

    CharlottetownPM mulroney continued the constitution debates. Charlottetown accord proposed: 1) reforming the senate 2) Aboriginal self gov't 3) Universal health care 4) workers rights 5) envirol protection called it Canada round b/c there was something for every province. 54.5%% of Canadians rejected Charlottetown because there were too many causes. que felt their issues were not not addressed.
  • Parti Quebecois returned to power

    Unsuccessful in the Quebec provincial elections of 1970 and 1973, the party in 1976 won 71 of 110 seats in the provincial National Assembly, and Lévesque was elected premier.
  • 2nd Referendum on Sovereignty Association

    quebec sovereigntryis a political movement as well as an ideology of values, concepts and ideas that advocates independence for the Canadian province of Quebec.
  • Clarity Bill and the Supreme Court decision

    Clarity Bill the bill known as the Clarity Act gives effect to the requirement for clarity set out by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Québec Secession Reference.