The History Of Evolution

  • Charles Darwin is Born

    Charles Darwin is born in Shrewsbury, England
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Dies

    Jean dies at the age of 85 and was the first advocate of the idea that an organism's traits could be acquired and then passed to their offspring
  • Darwin graduates from college with a B.A degree

  • Darwin is employed on the HMS beagle

    Darwin was employed as the ship's naturalist
  • Darwin and the HMS Beagle reaches the Galapagos islands

  • Darwin receives a monograph from Alfred Russel Wallace

    This monograph summarized Darwin's theories of evolution that resulted in Darwin publishing his work earlier than he planned.
  • Darwin Begins Writing his Influential Book, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

  • Darwin's book was first published

    Darwin's Book was published. All 1,250 copies of the book were sold out on the first day.
  • Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce engage in debate

    The debate was famous and focussed on the ideas and Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
  • Darwin publishes a book about his grandfather

    Darwin's book was named The Life of Erasmus Darwin.
  • Darwin publishes a book about his grandfather

    Darwin published a book talking about his grandfather, the name of the book is The Life of Erasmus Darwin.
  • Charles Darwin Dies

    Charles Darwin dies at the age of 73 and is buried in Westminster Abbey
  • Charles Darwin Dies

    Darwin Dies at the age of 73, he is buried in Westminster Abbey
  • Ernst Haeckel Dies

    Haeckel was an important zoologist whose work and theories sadly led to the inspiration of some of the racist theories of the Nazis
  • Tennessee governor bans the teaching of evolution

    Later that year John Scopes violated the law and led to the Scopes Monkey Trial
  • Tennessee governor bans the teaching of evolution

    Later that year, John Scopes broke that law that led to the Scopes Monkey Trial
  • Epperson v. Arkansas

    The Supreme court ruling that Arkansas decision to outlaw the teaching of evolution was unconstitutional because the motivation was based on the reading of Genesis, not science.
  • Webster v. New Lenox

    Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled school boards have the right to prohibit creationism because lessons would go against religion.