Special education acronyms 101

The History of IDEA (PL 94-142)

  • ESEA

    In 1965 Congress enacted the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This was one of the many acts that helped to form IDEA and the education system we have today. The purpose of this act was to provide funds for the underpriviledged children and was the beginning of the Title I and bilingual education programs.
  • ESEA is ammended

    ESEA is ammended
    A grant program was established as a part of the ammended Elementary and Secondary Education Act in order to provide funding for the education of children with disabilities This is the first time Congress addressed the education of people with disabilities.
  • EHA (PL 91-230)

    EHA (PL 91-230)
    The Education of the Handicapped Act replaced the ammendment to ESEA (1966) providing funds to state governments for the creation of educational programs and resources for students with disabilities.
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Pennsylvania
    The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) took on the state of Pennsylvania where the federal court ruled that students with mental retardation have a right to a free public education.
  • The Beginning of PL 94-142

    The Beginning of PL 94-142
    In 1972 Congress began looking into the education of children with disabilities and discovered many were not receiving a free and appropriate public education. This investigation lead to the Education for All Handicapped Children Act that was written into law in 1975.
  • PL 94-142 or EAHCA

    PL 94-142 or EAHCA
    PL 94-142 or the Education of All Handicapped Children Act is written into law in 1975 requring a free appropriate public education be provided for all handicapped children meeting the students needs in the least restrictive environment.
  • Hudson v. Rowley

    Hudson v. Rowley
    In 1982 the U.S. Supreme court interpreted PL 94-142 to mean that the appropriate education for a child with a disability does not always mean it will produce the maximum possible results as long as that student is performing at or above grade level standards.
  • IDEA

    In 1990 PL 94-142 was ammended to become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, commonly known as IDEA. From now on the word handicapped has been changed to disability and offers services for autism and traumatic brain injury.
  • ADA

    The Americans With Disabilities Act was enacted in 1990, provisions for students were written under section 504 of the ADA.
  • NCLB

    In 2001 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was signed into law reauthorizing ESEA and replacing the Bilingual Education Act of 1968. NCLB holds schools accountable for student achievement levels.
  • IDEA 2004

    IDEA 2004
    In 2004 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was reauthorized and changed the procedure of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and required Response to Intervention (RTI) in order to identify students at risk earlier in their education.