The Geologic Time Scale

  • Big Bang

    Big Bang
    The Big Bang is the exdplantion on how our universe was created. Acording to this theory it was created over 15 Billion years ago.
  • Birth of Earth

    Birth of Earth
    There was a star that was thousands of miles away that exploded that lead to the offset of the Big Bang. All of the parts that flew off of this star gathered together to form the earliest parts of our solar system including Earth.
  • Precambrian Time

    Precambrian Time
    During this time period scientists have discovered there was some climate changes. The climate changes that took place in this time were not dramatic enough to cause animals to die just cause them to adapt. This time makes up 88% of the Earths time. Although we don't know much about the animals in this time because fossils from this time are so disorted. Fossils of Stromatolites are most common.
  • Paleozoic / Cambrian

    Paleozoic / Cambrian
    Trace fossils show increased diversity in Cambrian rocks, showing that the animals of the Cambrian were developing new strategies such as hunting and burrowing deeply into sediment. The Cambrian showed appearance for mineralized algae of various types, such as the coralline red algae and green algae. Some animals that were common in this time were articulate brachiopods, edrioasteroids, eocrinoids, and helicoplacoids and first vertebrates appeared. Climate was mild.
  • Paleozoic / Ordovician

    Paleozoic / Ordovician
    Nearly all of the Earth that we know today was all ocean. Shelly fauna, corals, and bryozoans along with brachiopods populated majority of the oceans duing this time. By the end of the Ordovician Period, primitive jawless fish called Ostracoderms appeared. These primitive fish were covered with bony plates and were among the first vertebrates on the earth. The climate stayed to be mild.
  • Palezoic / Sulurian

    Palezoic / Sulurian
    Some of the oldest fossils and coral reefs have been discovered from this period. Crinoids and Brachiopods continue to acuminate. First clear evidence of human life was recorded.First arachnids and centipedes were also found. Some of the water that covered Earth is now being evaporated in Northern Europe, Siberia, South China and Australia. We knnow this because of small amounts of salt deposited in sediment there.
  • Paleozoic / Devonian

    Paleozoic / Devonian
    The first amphibians, the first sharks, the first plants with roots, leaves and stomata were discovered.Not only did fish with cartilage first appear (such as sharks), but fish with bony skeletons developed. The climate was mild with shallow waters. First plants appeared. Ferns were very common.
  • Carboniferous / Mississippian Period

    Carboniferous / Mississippian Period
    359.2 to 299 million years ago. Tropical, and humid climate was common in this period. Seasons were not known of. Shallow and warm water floded parts of the continents but not near as much as there once was. Many of this fish and sea life that was once known were becoming extinct being replaced with more modrern day fish and sea life. Anphibians became very popular. Swaps and forests covered most of the lands.
  • Carboniferous / Pennsylvanian Period

    Carboniferous / Pennsylvanian Period
    Many reptiles and amphibians flourished the Earth in this peiord. Giant dragonflies, cockroaches and myriapods became common on Earth. Giant, primitive horsetail, club moss and fern trees dominate the area. Dense layers of dead wood form coal beds beneath the Earths layers. Diant lizards were one of the most common reptiles in this period.
  • Paleozoic / Permian

    Paleozoic / Permian
    Pangea has at once came together. This lead to the biggest mass extinction that has been recorded in that period. Some animals survived this but not many. The animal populaton of these animals never again reached what it once was.
  • Mesozoic / Triassic

    Mesozoic / Triassic
    Dinosours were first founded. Some were the size of squirrls others were 15 tons! They were about 4m to 5m long. First mamals and small rodents were founded. Lush forests that contained trees that resembled palm trees were present. Oceans were still on Earth just not as many as there once was. The picture to the left is of what scientists believe to be one of the first mamals on Earth.
  • Mesozoic / Jurassic Period

    Mesozoic / Jurassic Period
    Dionosoars are now a dominant on Earth. The two most common types of Dinosours where herbavivors and carnivors. Flying reptials and bats of that sort were also becomming very common to Earth. The climate everywhere at this time was warm and mild. This picture does a good job showing all of the diffrent dinosoars in this period. It shows herbivor and a carnivor. It also shows a flying reptile that was very common for this period.
  • Mesozoic / Cretaceous

    Mesozoic /  Cretaceous
    The t- rex was one of the biggest and the baddest of all of the dinosoars in this period. Animals have evolved with larger jaws and sharper teeth to kill their prey. The earliest flowering plants were discovered. Most common trees, magholias and willows. later on in this periord maple, oak, and walnut trees became common.
  • Cenozoic / Tertiary / Eocene 9:00am

    Cenozoic / Tertiary / Eocene 9:00am
    This epoch had the highest anual temperatures in the whole Cenozoic time. At the end of this epoch there was an almost savannah like vegitation with forests. Animals such as horses, flying squirrels, bats, and huge whales have evolved.
  • Cenozoic / Tertiary / Oligocene 12:00pm

    Cenozoic / Tertiary / Oligocene 12:00pm
    Deer, Pigs, Camels, Cats, and Dogs evolved in this period. Worldwide temperatures dropped 4 The picture to the right shows you a image of what they thought camels were thought to look like in this epoch. They were biger than todays camels. they evolved into modern day camels to adpapt to the climate of today.
  • Cenozoic / Tertiary / Pliocene 8:00pm

    Cenozoic / Tertiary / Pliocene 8:00pm
    Large carnivors such as bears and lions appear. Zebras and other animals continue to herd all over the Earth. The cooling and the warmin gof the Earth has lead to a tremendous abount of grassland and savannahs. This leads to evolved long legged grazzers so they can travel through the long grass. the Panamanian land-bridge between North and South America appeared during the Pliocene, allowing migrations of plants and animals into new habitats.
  • Cenozoic / Quaternary / Pleistocene 11:30pm

    Cenozoic / Quaternary / Pleistocene 11:30pm
    The Wolly Mammoths and Rhinos evolved. The first humans also appered. Longhorned bison, saber-toothed cats, giant ground sloths, and many other large mammals evolved as cousins of the Wolly Mammoth. Climate was very cold. Lots of ice. This caused some species to become extinct. (Wolly Mammath)
  • Cenozoic / Quaternary / Holocene 11:59pm

    Cenozoic / Quaternary / Holocene 11:59pm
    The last glacial period ends in thie epoch. Complex human societies from. more modern day life happens in this epoch. Another name for the Holocene that is sometimes used is the Anthropogene, the "Age of Man." This all may be cool but our existance is the leading cause for global wamring. Habitat destruction, pollution, and other factors are causing a mass extinction.
  • Cenozoic / Tertiary / Paleocene 7:00am

    Cenozoic / Tertiary / Paleocene 7:00am
    Continents drifted farther apart from pangea on their way to their positions of present day. Temperature cooled and dried out quite a bit. Also sea levels continued to drop. These changes killed much of the older sea life such as invertabras. This epoch is also known as the age of the mammals because many of the first primates appeared. Many of todays modern fish filled the oceans. More food for the sharks.
  • Cenozoic / Tertiary / Miocene 1:00 pm

    Cenozoic / Tertiary / Miocene 1:00 pm
    Herds of animals in search of food and shelter have been grazing the world which has become more common with all of the animals of this epcoh. Racoons and Wolves have evolved also. At the end of this period 95% of seed plants were in existence. Kelp forests appeared for the first time, As did sea otters and other critters unique to those environments. The picture shows a herd a monkeys ( which were also common in this epoch)