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The Gathering Storm

  • Versialles Treaty

    Versialles Treaty
    Victorious Allies, primarialy the British and French, are more interested in punishing Germany than esuring a just a lasting peace. Wilson's '14 Points' are rejected in lieu of the harsh Versialles Treaty which created many of the conditions that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power.
  • Benito Mussolini Rises to Power

    Benito Mussolini Rises to Power
    Mussolini and his "black shirt" march on Rome and form new Govvernment. Mussolini dismantles the democratic government and replaces it with Italian Fascism.
  • Adolf Hitler named Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler named Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler rises from political prisoner to Chancellor of Germany over a nine year span.
  • Reichstag Burns

    Reichstag Burns
    Hitler uses this 'attack' on Germany, specifically the NSDAP, as the opportunity to sieze all power and establish his Fascist government.
  • Italo-Ethopian War

    Italo-Ethopian War
    Italy invades Ethiopia which is condemned by League of Nations. Economic sanctions do little against Italy and proves the ineffectiveness of the League of Nationa as well as increases hostilities between European Democracies and Fascist governments.
  • Hitler assists with the Spanish Civil War

    Hitler assists with the Spanish Civil War
    Opportunity for the Nazis to both test and demonstrate the power of the "blitzkrieg" style of warfare
  • Sino-Japanese War

    Sino-Japanese War
    Massacre of NankingJapan invades China in pursuit of military expansion and natural resources
  • Hitler Annex Austria

    Hitler Annex Austria
    Creates alliance with 'german-speaking' nation. Close cultural ties with Germany, a violation of the Versailles Treaty
  • Hitler takes the Sudetenland

    Hitler takes the Sudetenland
    Hitler demands that the Nazi Germany be granted of the German speaking Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. The Munic Agreement signed by France and England is one of many examples of fail attempts to appease Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact
    Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact
  • September Campaign

    September Campaign
    Nazi Germany Invades Poland. Poland is divided between Germany and the Soviet Union. The result of this action is the Declaration of War on germany by England and France.
  • France Falls to the Nazis

    France Falls to the Nazis
    German blitzkrieg makes quick work of the Allied Forces in France. Hitler takes France in a matter of months.
  • U.S. Institutes Selective Service Act

    U.S. Institutes Selective Service Act
    President FDR creates 1st peacetime military draft in U.S. History.
  • Lend-Lease Act is passed

    Lend-Lease Act is passed
    Designed to lend munitions to England (any country whose defense is vital to U.S.)
  • Hitler Invades the USSR

    Hitler Invades the USSR
    Hitler violates Non-Aggression Pact and invades Russia
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
    Watch the short documentary Japan launches surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in an attempt to knock out the U.S. Navy before it mobilizes.
  • U.S. Declares War on Japan

    U.S. Declares War on Japan
  • Germany Declares War on the U.S.

    Germany Declares War on the U.S.