
The EU timeline

  • 18 April 1951

    CREATION OF ECSC (CECA). The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was created by the Treaty of Paris of 18 April 1951 at the initiative of the French politicians Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, of the German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the Italian Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi with the aim to mantein peace and of pooling the production of these two raw materials among the six founding memebers: Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
  • 25 March 1957

    The leaders of the six countries met in Rome to establish a European Atomic Energy Community (TCEEA) and a European Economic Community (EEC-CEE), or "Common market" (ex.:EEC countries no longer apply customs duties to each other’s trade).
  • 1 January 1973

    It was the first enlargement of the common market involving Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. New social and environmental policies were also introduced.
  • Period: to

    7-10 June 1979

    The European Parliament was elected, for the first time, by direct universal suffrage.
  • 1 July 1987

    SINGLE EUROPEAN ACT. The Single European Act is the agreement which amended the Treaties of Rome. It was signed in Luxembourg on 17 February 1986 and entered into force on 1 July 1987. It laid the foundations for a broad six-year programme aimed at solving the problems that still hampered the fluidity of trade between EU Member States, and so the "European Single Market" became a reality.
  • 9 November 1989

    The Berlin Wall, symbol of the Cold War, was a line of reinforced concrete that divided Germany into East and West Germany: the first was under Soviet influence, the second under that of the United States.
  • 25 December 1991

    The countries that was part of the Soviet Union became freedom and they adopted an economic system different from the pallend economy.
  • 1 January 1993

    MAASTRICHT TREATY. It was signed on 7 February 1992 and entered into force the following year. With it was born the European Union (EU). What changed? As a matter of fact, the issues of foreign policy and internal security have since been dealt with in a system of intergovernmental cooperation.
  • 1 January 2002

    INTRODUCTION OF EURO. while the EU continued to grow to 15 members, a single currency (the euro) was introduced and the various currencies previously held by the Member States were replaced.
  • 1 January 2009

    TREATY OF LISBON. The Treaty of Lisbon was signed on 13 December 2007 and it amended the previous treaties. It shalled in particular grant the European Council a permanent President and included the figure of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
  • 12 October 2012

    NOBEL PRIZE. The European Union received the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 1 January 2021

    BREXIT. The UK left the EU on 31 December 2020 at 00:00.