The Cold War

  • US joins the Korea War

    US joins the Korea War
    Truman orders the US to proceed to Korea from Japan. The policy is now rollback and not containment. The entrance into war was not congressionally approved.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met to discuss post-war Europe, the future organization of the UN, and the fate of Germany. Stalin makes it clear that he would claim the territories which the USSR had annexed in Poland and in the Baltic. The key decision was made to land British, Commonwealth, and the US troops in France (Operation Overlord) rather than as Churchill wanted, in the Balkans in 1944. Ensured USSR would liberate both east and south-east Europe by themselves. SOVIET SPHERE
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill; Plans finalized for the occupation of Germany (France too), Berlin placed under FOUR POWER CONTROL, UNITED NATIONS established, and free elections in Poland.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Stalin, Atley, Truman; Truman claims his purpose is to get Russians into war against Japan ASAP for the sake of saving many American lives. The major issue of Potsdam was dealing with German reparations.
  • Atomic Bomb Testing is Successful in US

    Atomic Bomb Testing is Successful in US
    The bomb appears as a godsend to the Americans as they could now use it as a threat to any country.
  • Truman Presidency (April 12, 1945-January 20, 1953)

    Truman Presidency (April 12, 1945-January 20, 1953)
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    Churchill speaks on the barrier between the east and west of Europe between communism and capitalism. He wanted to lift the curtain, liberate East Europe, and hold the Russians back.
  • Acheson-Lilienthal Proposal

    Acheson-Lilienthal Proposal
    International control to be reached a series of stages. Full rights for the US to control bombs. Soviet counterproposal: an end to the production and use of atomic bombs and the destruction of existing stocks of atomic weapons within 3 months.
  • London Cannot Support Greece and Turkey anymore

    London Cannot Support Greece and Turkey anymore
    London could no longer support Greece and Turkey. The Domino Theory comes into thought (if one nation falls to communism, the countries surrounding it will.)
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Outlined the situation in Greece and why the US should help; Turkey situation; meant to justify his change in foreign policy; containment. Truman told the world it was America's duty to get involved with the suffering countries.
  • Czechoslovakian Coup

    Czechoslovakian Coup
    Czech communist uprising and coup, from democracy to communist.
  • US Airlift into Berlin starts

    US Airlift into Berlin starts
    Berlin was out of food and supplies as the Soviets were blocking resources from the western powers, so the western powers airlifted food and supplies into Berlin. By the end of July 1948, British and US aircraft were airlifting an average 2000 tons of food and raw materials into West Berlin.
  • Two German States Established

    Two German States Established
    Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) made by the western allies. There was a new parliament although not fully independent.
    German Democratic Republic (GDR) was a single state party of a parliament, the People's Congress, with votes on candidates that were preapproved by the Soviets.
  • Vandenberg 1948 Resolution

    Vandenberg 1948 Resolution
    Progressive development of regional and other collective arrangements for defense and promised to promote the association of the US
  • Marshall Plan Established

    Marshall Plan Established
    Act to provide economic aid for non-communist countries after WWII.
  • US recognition of Israeli Independence

    US recognition of Israeli Independence
    Zionism. The US was the first to recognize the separate nation of Israel. Russia was the second.
  • Soviet Atomic Bomb Success

    Soviet Atomic Bomb Success
    Truman announces that the Soviets now have an active atomic bomb. Truman ordered the development of hydrogen bomb to be accelerated. Soviets had two trumps: bomb and the Red Army. America updates lend-lease to remilitarize Germany and western Europe. Only the Americans would have been the ones to pull the nuclear trigger.

    Soviet economic organization. Began in 1949. Built for communist countries and their economies.
  • NATO

    US, Britain, and other western European nations to provide security against the Soviet Union.
  • North Korea crosses the 38th Parallel

    North Korea crosses the 38th Parallel
    Kim Il Jung gets permission from Stalin to cross into South Korea to fight for "unity" in South Korea. Begins a war between North Korea (NK, Soviets, and China) vs. South Korea (SK, US, and UN)
  • Eisenhower Presidency (January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961)

    Eisenhower Presidency (January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961)
  • Warsaw Pact and Austrian State Treaty

    Warsaw Pact and Austrian State Treaty
    Warsaw Pact: Communist Military Counter to NATO
    Austrian State Treaty: Gave Austria independence, forbade an Austrian union with Germany, made Austria a permanent neutral, a step towards making German division permanent.