The civil war and its impact on the development of us law 1861 1865

The civil war

  • Period: to

    The civil war

  • 3/5 compromise

    3/5 compromise
    At the consitutional covention it was agreed that every 3 out of 5 slaves would count twords representation in congress. Helps lead to the civil war because as states were added debate over free states v, slaves increased.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Both the north and south are split apart making everything under thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude slave states.This only made slavery spread even more all over the states.
  • Mexican American war

    Mexican American war
    The annexation of Texas meant the expansion of slavery in the west.The conflict all started with mexico thinking the the U.S. was intruding in their land so theyt attacked them.
  • The Fugitive slave act

    The Fugitive slave act
    THe fugative slave act was put in place in 1850. It gave the law the ability to arrest the runaway slaves.And with no evidence slave owners would come collect the slaves and take them as their own. And to anyone who would help the runaways would be fined of $1,000.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska act

    The Kansas-Nebraska act
    The U.S. congress passed the act to say weether or not to make kansasa or nebraska to be sla ve states. Instead they gave them the choice wether or not to be slave states. This went with all of the other newly added states to the U.S.
  • Supreme Court: Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Supreme Court: Dred Scott v. Sandford
    The supreme court decision made on march 6th 1859 was that slaves were not citizens and had no right to sue in federal court.
  • South Carolina's secession

    South Carolina's secession
    South Carolina was the first southern state to break away from the north and become its own power. Soon after more southern states began to leave the north and band with south carolina. They all did this because they thought that the unions ideas were wrong and unfair to southern people.