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Timeline: The Causes of the Civil War

By Nghi
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was an unsucessful attempt to ban slavrey in the newly acquired land from Mexico. This add to the cause toward the Civil War because if the Wilmot Proviso were to have been successfully passed, the tension between the slave owning state and the free would escalate(North[free] vs South[slave])
  • Free Soil Movement

    The creation of the Free Soil Party was due to the issue about slavery being in the western territory, which were the opposite of the party’s purpose. The party splits the people into groups that are for and group the are against slavery, creating more tension between the Northern regions and the Southern regions.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850 were a sets of 5 document which was created with the purpose of stopping the political dispute between two party about slavery in the newly acquired territories. This would led to the Civil War due to the tension between the free and the slave state, since it’s about slavery in the acquired territories.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is a anti-slavery novel, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, that centered about the true treatments of African American slaves. The novel led to the North’s understanding of the true treatment of slave being the complete opposite of the South’s claim, that slave were sophisticatedly well treated and well educated, which led to distrust between the two and adding fuel to the Civil War.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act was brought up with the initial purpose is to open up thousands of new farms and create a Midwestern Transcontinental Railroad, though led to Kansas and Nebraska to have the choice of whether or not they’ll allow slavery. This was later repealed with the creation of the Republican Party, along with the Fugitive Slave Law. Because it’s related to slavery within the Northern Territory(which is mostly free states), the reaction from the North and South were not friendly.
  • The Republican Party formed

    The Republican Party formed
    In response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, a police party named The Republican Party was born, with the ideal being to oppose slavery and the spreading of slavery in the new territory. The party mainly composed of abolitionists, anti-slavery, and even the Free soil Democrats, whom are arguing against the pro-slavery(thoses that are mainly in the South).
  • “Bleeding Kansas” incident

    “Bleeding Kansas” incident
    During the time the Republican Party was still starting out, an incident happened, known as the “ Bleeding Kansas”, where several pro-slavery “ruffian” attacked Kansas in hopes of claiming ithe territory as a slave state. The dispute was also between polical powers which, then, led to the Civil War, in 1861.
  • Caning of Charles Summer

    Caning of Charles Summer
    This attempt of an assault was between the representative of South Calorado, Preston and Senator Charles Summer, who was an anti-slavery supporter. What happened was that representative Preston went up to Senator Charles with a walking stick and proceeded to beat him with it. This can be classified as an assault against the anti-slavery and abolitionist and can be seen as so by the people of The United State,or at least, the North against the South.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford decision

    Dred Scott v. Sanford decision
    The case of Sanford v. Dred Scott is about Sanford ruling that a slave that live in the free territory and free state does not have freedom and rights of a white man, that because they’re not born in the US, they shouldn’t be treated like one. This was opposed by many and can be seen as outright discrimination between the free and the slave state, which will led to the Civil War through the issue of slavery.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debate

    Between August 21, 1858 and October 15, 1858, a series of seven debates over the topic of slavery in the new territory between Abraham Lincoln and Senator Stephen Douglas. This was between a republican(free state/anti-slavery) candidate and a democratic candidate for the presidency, which ended with Douglas victory.
  • John Brown’s Raids on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown’s Raids on Harpers Ferry
    Between October 16 and October 18, a raid happened led by John Brown. John Brown was a abolitionist who wanted to started an armed slave revolt by taking over the U.S arsenal in Harpers Ferry. This failed with the defeat of John Brown and his army of 22 people by a company of U.S marine led by First lieutenant Israel Greene. The revolt escalates the strictness of slave owner and tension between the free/abolitionist states and the slave states.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The Election of 1860 was the election for Abraham Lincoln’s presidency against Stephen A. Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell. This led to the secession of many Southern states because the first ever republican president, President Lincoln, ended slavery in the US with the 13th amendment.