
The Birth of Cinema

  • The First Picture ever taken

    The First Picture ever taken
    This photo, simply titled, "View from the Window at Le Gras," is said to be the world's earliest surviving photograph. And it was almost lost forever.
    It was taken by Nicéphore Niépce in a commune in France called Saint-Loup-de-Varennes somewhere between 1826 and 1827.
    The process of taking a photo used to be much more complicated.
    To capture this moment in time, Niépce wanted to use a light-sensitive material so the light itself would "etch" the image for him.
  • In the first recorded sound in the history a woman sings 'Au Clair de La Lune'

    In the first recorded sound in the history a woman sings 'Au Clair de La Lune'
    The 10-second recording of a singer crooning the folk song “Au Clair de la Lune” was discovered earlier this month in an archive in Paris by a group of American audio historians. It was made, the researchers say, on April 9, 1860, on a phonautograph, a machine designed to record sounds visually, not to play them back.
  • Eadweard Muybridge created the 1st 'Motion picture on a farm in California

    Eadweard Muybridge created the 1st 'Motion picture on a farm in California
    He Photographed a horse in fast motion using a series of 12 stereoscopic cameras.
  • The 1st Celluloid film was shot by Louis Aime Augustin in Yorkshire, Great Britain

    The 1st Celluloid film was shot by Louis Aime Augustin in Yorkshire, Great Britain
    Used the single-lens camera. It was called ' Roundhay Garden Scene'.
  • Thomas Edison and Whilliam Dickson invented the Kinetoscope and Vitascope

    Thomas Edison and Whilliam Dickson invented the Kinetoscope and Vitascope
    They are devices for viewing and producing photos in motion.
  • Lumiere brothers were the earliest filmmakers they had invented their own device combining camera with printer and projector and called it Cinematographe.

    Lumiere brothers were the earliest filmmakers they had invented their own device combining camera with printer and projector and called it Cinematographe.
    Auguste began the first experiments in the winter of 1894, and by early the following year the brothers had come up with their own device, which they called the Cinématographe.
  • The first kiss ever in cinema history at the Thomas Edison Studio

    The first kiss ever in cinema history at the Thomas Edison Studio
    The Kiss is an 1896 film, and was one of the first films ever shown commercially to the public. Around 18 seconds long, it depicts a re-enactment of the kiss between May Irwin and John Rice from the final scene of the stage musical The Widow Jones.
  • George Melies was the 'father' of special effectes

    George Melies was the 'father' of special effectes
    A special effect that is achieved by shutting off the camera and turning it back on once the subject has left the set, giving the illusion that the subject has disappeared.
  • Directed the first 'Real Movie' & 1st Science Fiction Movie called "A trip to the Moon"

    Directed the first 'Real Movie' & 1st Science Fiction Movie called "A trip to the Moon"
    This movie stil remains one of the most important movie in cinema history.
  • The earliest pornographic motion picture which can definitely be dated is * A L'Ecu d'Or ou la bonne auberge* made in France

  • Period: to

    The story of sound in the cinema started in 1926 by Warner Brothers studio, and in 1927 they reeased the frst sound movie called 'The Jazz Singer'

    The Jazz Singer is a 1927 American musical film, directed by Alan Crosland, considered as the first feature film with lines and singing synchronized to an acetate disc - since then, silent films have been losing their way to the spoken, or talkies, who became the big news.
  • From the beginig of the 20th century started the attempts for adding colour in the films. * Technicolor* made a big step but the method was expensive and too complicated

    Only after the 2nd world war, during the 60's the coloured films became very popular.
  • Mack Sennett founded the *slapstick style* of comedy that prodused stars like buster keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy.

    Mack Sennett founded the *slapstick style* of comedy that prodused stars like buster keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy.