The Aztec Empire

  • 1300

    The Dream of Aztecs Land

    The Dream of Aztecs Land
    When the chief dreamed about where the Aztecs would settle.
  • 1345

    Start of Aztec Civilization

    Start of Aztec Civilization
    When the Aztec started to create a civilization in Mexico.
  • 1500

    Aztec Calendar

    Aztec Calendar
    When the Aztec created a calendar with 18-months and each with 20-days.
  • 1521

    Haman Cortes meets with Montezuma

    Haman Cortes meets with Montezuma
    The Spanish conquistador meets with the Aztec ruler
  • 1521

    The End of Aztec Empire

    The End of Aztec Empire
    When the Aztec got conquered by Spain.