
  • Tetanus Symptoms

    Tetanus Symptoms
    Painting by Sir Charles Bell, First painting ilastrating the symptoms of tetanus for the first time. Symptoms include muscle spasms, drooling, excessive sweating, fever, hand or foot spasms, irritability, swallowing difficulty, and uncontrolled urination or defecation.
  • Arthur Nicolaier

    Arthur Nicolaier
    Arthur Nicolaier isolated the strychnine-like toxin of tetanus from free-living, anaerobic soil bacteria. http://www.amazon.ca/Arthur-Nicolaier-1862-1942-descubridor-t%C3%A9tanos/dp/849849463X
  • Antonio Carle and Giorgio Rattone

     Antonio Carle and Giorgio Rattone
    Antonio Carle and Giorgio Rattone performed more experiments to clearify tetanus better by demistrating the transmissibility of tetanus for the first time. They did this by ejecting pus from a person infected by tetanus into a rabbit. http://www.parmaelasuastoria.it/ita/I%20personaggi.aspx?idMostra=8&idNode=118
  • Kitasato

    C. tetani was isolated from a human victim by Kitasato Shibasaburō. He showed that the organism could /make a disease when injected into animals, and that the toxin could be destroyed by specific antibodies.
  • Edmond Nocard

    Edmond Nocard
    Edmond Nocard showed that tetanus antitoxin induced passive immunity in humans, and could be used for prophylaxis and treatment. https://www.avma.org/News/JAVMANews/Pages/110201p.aspx
  • P. Descombey

    The tetanus toxoid vaccine was created by P. Descombey. Was used the most during World War 2.
  • Fred Thomson

    Fred Thomson
    Fred Thomson was a silent film cowboy actor who became very popular in the 1920s. At age 38, he stepped on a nail and developed tetanus, which his doctor failed to diagnose. He died on Christmas Day of that year. It was a huge surprise and wake up call to many people.
  • Period: to

    Death Toll

    Deaths decreased from 272,000 in 1990, to 61,000 deaths in 2010.
  • Uganda Deaths

    In Uganda, 3,433 tetanus cases were recorded in newborn babies; of these, 2,403 died
  • Non-Industrial Countries

    In non-industrialized countries, 59,000 newborns died worldwide.
  • Transmittion Article

    Tetanus is not passed from person to person; it is unusual among vaccine-preventable diseases in this regard. Instead, tetanus is transmitted via the entry of Clostridium tetani bacteria into injured skin and underlying tissues. Surprisingly, tetanus infection is more likely from a minor wound than a major one, but this is because severe wounds are more likely to be properly treated and cleaned. The incubation period is between three and 21 days.
  • Tetanus Eliminated in Uganda

    Uganda was certified as having eliminated tetanus.
  • FDA Approved

    FDA Approved
  • Tetanus Video

  • C. tetani

    C. tetani
    C. tetani is widespread in spore form in soil, as well as in the intestines and feces of animals (including cats, dogs, rats, guinea pigs, chickens, horses, sheep, and cattle). It also found on skin and has been found in contaminated heroin. Although C. tetani is heat-sensitive and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen in early stages of growth, C. tetani spores, , are extremely hardy. They can survive temperatures of nearly 250°F for 10-15 minutes, http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Clostridium_