Technology Timeline

  • I get my own tape player

    I get my own tape player
    I felt pretty cool with my portable tape player.
  • Compaq Computers in Labs at Brookside Elementary

    Compaq Computers in Labs at Brookside Elementary
    Games like "Math Blaster" and "Oregon Trail".
    Trouble students steal the rubber balls out of the big white computer mice.
  • Mavis Beacon for Keyboarding Classes

    Mavis Beacon for Keyboarding Classes
    We thought this was a pretty cool program during keyboarding time in Elementary
  • Power Point Presentations as assignments in class

    Power Point Presentations as assignments in class
    Teachers using technology assign powerpoints as assignments.
  • I get my first cell phone

    I get my first cell phone
    I got the free flip phone, no texting limited minutes and my parents had to choose a nationwide plan instead of a regional one.
  • I get a Dell Laptop for College

    I get a Dell Laptop for College
    I got a Dell Studio laptop with Windows Vista on it to use up at BYU-Idaho because they had just come out with a 'laptop initiative' that started to require laptops in the classroom.
  • LDS Missions get texting

    LDS Missions get texting
    We started the mission with the indestructible brick phones and we could receive texts but not send them. Eventually we got new phones and were allowed to send and receive text messages.
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
    Getting back from my mission I got my first smartphone, but I was so slow texting I found one with a full keypad.
  • Work for BYU Office of Information Technology

    Work for BYU Office of Information Technology
    I felt lost in technology until I started work for BYU OIT and learned how to code in SQL edit XML documents and web-service code.
  • Switch to iPhone 4s

    Switch to iPhone 4s
    I still use my used iPhone 4s I bought from my father in law and my students give me grief about it.