Computer History Project

  • Software

    SourceSoftware is programmed instructions stored in the memory of stored-program computers. This runs stuff such as apps and it uncodes the "Machine language" of instructions the follows it.
  • Hardware

    SourceBefore the 1960s the hardwares were called calculating machines since all they did was calculated. It was cheap at first then it started to increase in price.
  • AT&T makes Dataphone

    AT&T makes Dataphone
    SourceAT&T creats their Dataphone, the first comercial modem. It was built for converting digital computer data to analog signls for transmision across its long distance network.
  • ARPANET - First Internet Invented

    ARPANET - First Internet Invented
    SourceThe ARPANET was the first internet that was introduced to the world. Darpa was the creator of the ARPANET. ARPANET stands for the Adcaned Research Projects Agency.
  • Syncom production

    Syncom production
    SourceThe first synchronous communication satellite is launched. Licklider starts talking with Larry of Lincoln Labs. Then Lick makes a contract with MIT, UCLA, an BBN who start looking into his ideas.
  • IBM's new System 360 Computers

    IBM's new System 360 Computers
    SourceIBM's new system computers go out into the market. It was a 8-bit byte. There was a $5 billion investment into the System 360. With this the development of the Multics timesharing operationg systen.
  • DEC PDP-8

    DEC PDP-8
    SourceThe PDP-8 was the first commercially successful minicomputer. It sold for $18,000. This helped the development of it for canufacturing plants, offices, and laboratories.
  • John Van Geen made new Modem

    John Van Geen made  new Modem
    SourceJohn improved the old modem to a new upgraded one. It detected bits of data despite background noice over long-distance phone lines.

    SourceThis was the largest supercomputer in the generation that it was in.More than 1.000 transistors were put into it's RAM chip.
  • Dec's PDP-10 and Dec's PDP-11

    Dec's PDP-10 and Dec's PDP-11
    SourceThe Unibus for the PDP-1 minicomputers allowed the addition and integration of myriad computer-cards for instrumentation and communications.
  • Microsoft boots up

    Microsoft boots up
    SourceGates and Allen in 1980 focused on making a new operating system that manages the computer hardware. This would also serve as a bridge between the computer hardware and programs.
  • The Beginning of Apple

    The Beginning of Apple
    At the begining apple was just a old cheap TV with a typing printer that acted as a keyboard. At first they were just a small group that started in a small company room, now they're one of the biggest OS companies. In the begining they were in need of lots of sponsers but now they're rich and filled with many sponsers.
  • Robert Morris' Worm

    Robert Morris' Worm
    SourceRobert created a worm that went through the internet and caused problems for around 6,000 people. He was assigned to 400 hours of community service with a fine of $10,050. He did this because he was bred.
  • First Email Sent

    First Email Sent
    sourceRay Tomlinson was the first person to send an email. He was the person to choose the "@" sign to send an email.
  • Mosaic's release

    Mosaic's release
    SourceMosiac was the first commercial software that had graphical access to the internet. It was designed by Eric Bina and Marc Andreessen. Masiac was on other OS' such as Max OS, Windows and AmigaOS.