Technology from 1998-2012

By izziem7
  • iPod

    A small device made by apple to listen to music on.
  • Xbox

    A video console where connect it to your TV and can play all different games on it. It is made by microsoft.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is a social network site where you can connect with most of the people you know.
  • YouTube

    a website where you can watch videos from all around the world was created.
  • Blu-ray dvd

    A dvd was created so you can buy movies to watch on blu-ray TVs.
  • Wii

    A video game created by nintendo. You can connect it to your TV and play games.
  • iPhone

    the first apple smart phone.
  • Kindle

    On the kindle you can buy and read any books you want.
  • iPad

    A touch screen -pad made by apple where you can use it to play, games, work, and much more things.
  • iPhone 5

    The newest iPhone made by appple.