Colorful george washington 95144

Taren Raschko

  • Period: to

    chapter 7

  • George Washington becomes president

    George Washington becomes president
    Its important because he was our first president
  • French Citizens storm the Bastille

    French Citizens  storm the Bastille
    Its important because it was the start the war
  • Judiciary act of 1789

    Judiciary act of 1789
    It was 3 levels of federal court.It was important because it was the beginning of our government
  • The whiskey rebellion starts in Pennsylvania

    The whiskey rebellion starts in  Pennsylvania
    Was a rebellion against the government because of tax on whiskey
  • President Washington issues the neutrality proclimation

    President Washington   issues the neutrality  proclimation
    It was important because it was declaring the US would stay neutral
  • Treaty with Greenville

    Treaty with Greenville
    Its important because it was a start of a new alliance
  • treaty of greenville ends

    treaty of greenville ends
    Its important because it was a end of a alliance
  • Pinckneys Treaty reopens the port in New Orleans

    Pinckneys Treaty reopens  the port in New Orleans
    It was attempting to start friendship with US and Spain
  • John Adams is elected president

    John Adams  is elected president
    Its important because its a new leader of the US
  • George Washington dies at Mount Vernon Virginia

    Its important because a great leader died