Susan B. Anthony

  • Born

    Born on February 15 1820 in Adams Massachusetts
  • The first person

    The first person to support the women's movement in 1848
  • left Home

    In 1854 she left home to go on a statewide lecture at all New York's 54 countries in four months.
  • Voting

    In 1887 congress voted for the first time on an amendment so women could have rights to vote but they lost and it didn't work.
  • Moved Back In

    In 1891 Susan moved back into her parents house in Rochester.
  • Voting Again

    California was going to vote again on women's suffrage but the liquor dealers launched their own side of the argument and they rejected women's suffrage.
  • Stroke

    Around the 1900's Susan had a stroke for about a week and couldn't speak for a week.
  • Traveler

    Went to New Orleans.
  • Traveling

    went to the international council of women in Berlin.
  • Travel

    Traveled to Portland Oregon.
  • Death

    Susan died on March 13 1906 in Rochester New York.
  • Voting Rights

    Women Got the right to vote 14 years after her death.