Supreme Court Court Cases involving the Supreme Court

  • Hylton v. United States

    Hylton v. United States
    Background: Oliver Ellsworth Court. Washington was President. First case regarding judicial review. Adams was elected this year. The Case: Ruling of the court stated that tax on carriages did not violate the Constitution. this was the first case to challange the Constitutionality of an Act. Effects:
    Used as a precedent for the roberst court in the Constitutionality of the ACA mandate.
  • Calder v. Bull

    Calder v. Bull
    Background: Ellsworth Court. Adams was President. The Quasi War with France is going on. First court case to examine the authority of the court to review sate legislation. The Argument was regarding a retrial of a will. Ruling: The actions of the Legislature did not violate the ex quo facto clause of the constitution. Effects: Ex quo fact only applies to criminal cases, not civil cases.
  • New York v. Connecticut

    New York v. Connecticut
    BackGround: Ellsworth Court. Adams was President. Carolina gold rush began. Connecticut and New York both claimed a stretch of land and gave property rights to different individuals. Ruling: Connecticut was given the land because New York did not put forth a decent standing. Effect: Connecticut has more land. Original jurisdiction goes to the first claimant.
  • Stuart v. Laird

    Stuart v. Laird
    Background: Marshall Court. Jefferson is President. Louisiana purchase was made. 1 week after Marbury v. Madison. Essentially the case sought for a retrial of Marbury v Madison. Regarded the Judiciary Act of 1801. Ruling: Congress cannot establish or destroy lower courts. Effect: Only Supreme Court and Executive Branch can modify lower courts.
  • Fletcher v Peck

    Fletcher v Peck
    Background: Marshall Court. Madison was President. First steamboat sails in the Ohio. Indian territory was divided and sold with native consent through the Yazoo Land Act. the Act was passed using bribery. Fletcher was trying to get land back from Peck. Ruling: Fletcher did not have the right tio sell the land ion the first place because the Yazoo land Act was illegally passed. Indians don't own land. Effect: Led to further protection of property rights.
  • Worcester v Georgia

    Worcester v Georgia
    Background: Marshall Court. Jackson was President. Second Bank of America vetoed. Worcester was arrested in Native territory for not having a license to be on Native Territory. Ruling: Worcester was not legally areested since hen was arrested off US soil. Effect: US cannot arrest people outside of US soil. Protected Indian soveignty.
  • United States v. The Amistad

    United States v. The Amistad
    Background: Taney Court. William Henry Harrison was President. First multiday filibuster. A rebelion occured amongst the slaves onh the Spanish Ship the Amistad. Most important case about slavery until Dredd Scott. Was in open waters. Debate wether the slaves are property or free. Ruling: The slaves were free because the event happened in open waters and should be paid for their time held in captivity. Effect: Set a precedent that slaves only become slaves inside US territory.
  • Prigg v. Pennsylvania

    Prigg v. Pennsylvania
    Background: Taney Court. Tylor is the President. firts post Revolution inavsion of TX. Stemmed from a contradiction between Pennsylvannia state law and the Fugitive Slave act. Prigg was a slave who ran away. Ruling: National law is above State law. Prigg should be sent back south. States do not have to enforce Federal law. Effect: Establishes Federal power over state power and states have the right to not enforce such power. Slavery still progresses.
  • Prize Cases

    Prize Cases
    BackGround: Taney Court. Lincoln was President. Battle of Gettysburg happens this year. Regarding the naval blockade of the South and the Constitutionality of blockading American ports. Ruling: President had authority to blockade and impound ships outside of war. Effects: Blockade continued in the South.
  • Texas v. White

    Texas v. White
    Background: Chase Court. Grant was President. First game of American Football played between Rutgers and Priceton. Regarded illegal Texan War bonds for the Confederacy. Ruling: No state ever actually left the Union. Texan War Bonds were illegal. The bonds were in posession of Texas. Effect: states cannot unilaterally leave the Union.
  • United States v. Kirby

    United States v. Kirby
    Background: Chase Court. Grant was president. In Wyoming, women get suffrage. The Mailman, Farris, murdered a man and sheriff Kirby arrested him. However he himself was arrested for obstructing mail. Ruling: You cannot arrest a man for arresting a man for a serious crime. Effect: Sherriffs as police forces dont need to worry about obstructing mail.
  • Slaughter-House Cases

    Slaughter-House Cases
    Backgroung Chase court. Grant is president. Fourthteenth Amendment was just passed. This is a court case about weather a state must recognize a citizen created by the Forthteeth Amendment. Ruling The Forthteeth Amendment grants U.S. citizenship, but not state citizenship. Effect Many African Americans were denied the rights given by the states and not protect properly.
  • United States v. Harris

    United States v. Harris
    Background: Waite court. Arthur is president. Brooklyn bridge is first opened. A black man was asaulted and killed by a KKK member. Ruling Local, not Federal, has the right to penalize a crime. Effect Many crimes were never sent to court due to racism in the courts.
  • Elk v. Wilkins

    Elk v. Wilkins
    Background Waite court. Arthur was president. Washington monument completed. John Elk, a Native American, was born on a reservation, but lived in non-reserved America and claimed citizenship. He was denied the right to vote. Ruling A man cannot claim citizenship without consent of the nation. Effect Native Americans were denied citizenship until the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
  • The Telephone Cases

    The Telephone Cases
    Background Waite court. Cleveland was president. Telephone was recently invented. The patent was fought over in many cases and had made its way to the Supreme Court. Ruling Bell Company's patent is valid and the Molecular Case was reversed Effect Bell Company's patent made them the only telephone company until January 30, 1894
  • Dent v. West Virginia

    Dent v. West Virginia
    Background Fuller court. Cleveland was president. Coca-Cola Company just started in Atlanta Georgia. Case was about laws in West Virginia that required people to get a degree to be a doctor. Ruling States have the right to set requirements for certain fields Effect States made requirements for doctors which made the medical field better.
  • United States v. E. C. Knight Co.

    United States v. E. C. Knight Co.
    Background Fuller court. Cleveland was president. Sherman Anti-Trust Act was just passed. Companies fight over government control over monopolies. Ruling Congress cannot regulate manufacturing. Effect Was later changed by other cases.
  • United States v. Shipp

    United States v. Shipp
    Background: Fuller Court. T. Roosevelt was President. The Jungle is published. Ed Johnson, a black man, is accused of rape and lynched. He was denied constitutional rights under habeas corpus and Sheriff Shipp was held in contempt. Ruling: Shipp's prosecution was allowed to continue. Effect: Only criminal court case of the SCOTUS. Supreme Court can rule in criminal cases.
  • Weems v. United States

    Weems v. United States
    Background: White Court. Taft was President. Boy Scouts of America is founded. Weems is charged by the Phillipine gov of fraud and is charged accordingly, even by the Supreme Court of the Phillipines. Weems applied for the Supreme Court to rule. Ruling: Court found Philippino Court's ruling cruel and unusual and ordered charges to be dropped. Effect: All territorial and colonial Supreme Courts must yield to the SCOTUS.
  • Bunting v. Oregon

    Bunting v. Oregon
    Background: White Court. Wilson was President. US enters WW1. Bunting failed to pay overtime according to Oregon law. Bunting filed that states cannot interfere with contracts between citizens according to the 14th admendment. Ruling: Oregon had the right to charge Bunting for unproper practices. Effect: States may set laws that benefit health and safety in the workplace.
  • International News Service v. Associated Press

    International News Service v. Associated Press
    Background: White Court. Wilson was President. WW1 ends. Both news services were reporting on WW1. INS lost its priveledges due to unfavorable reporting. Bribed AP for war info. AP brought action. Ruling: AP news was not copywriteable. It is history and not belonging to only one entity. However, a company has rights to selling news. Effect: News does not belong to one group but it is illegal to steal. Used in court case NBA v. Motorola.
  • Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co.

    Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co.
    Background: Taft Court. Harding was President. Washington Treaty is signed. Congress taxed companies 10% tax for child labor. Drexel owed 6,312.79 on tax for child labor. Drexel paid but sued for refund. Ruling: Tax on child labor is unconstitutional and can only be used as a criminal penalty, not a tax. Effect: Congress cannot use tax as a punishment for breaking a law.
  • Takao Ozawa v. United States

    Takao Ozawa v. United States
    Background: Taft Court. Harding was President. Teapot Dome scandal occurs. Ozawa, a Japanese man, applies for citizenship which is only avasilable to Whites and Blacks. He claims all Japanese people are white. Ruling: Japanese people are not white. Effect: Racism against Asians in US increases.
  • Gitlow v. New York

    Gitlow v. New York
    Background: Taft Court. Coolidge is President. Tri-State tornado rampages Midwest. Gitlow was charged with criminal anarchy for being a member of the Socialist Party and publishing a Scoialist document. He claimed he had the right under free speech. Ruling: Bill of Rights only pertain to federal laws, not state laws. Government may sedate those posing a threat to the Government. Effect: Government is allowed to arrest anyone posing a threat to it.
  • Blackmer v. United States

    Blackmer v. United States
    Hughes Court. Hoover was President. The Bonus Army arrives in D.C. Blackmer, a US citizen living in Paris, is guilty of contempt for refusing to appear as witness in a criminal trial in the US. He was fined $50,000 but he claimed he had a right not to show up by the 5th Ammendment. Ruling: States still have jurisdiction of citizens outside nation. Fines upheld. Effect: One has an obligation to the state even if that person lives abroad.
  • Lucas v. Earl

    Lucas v. Earl
    Background: Hughes Court. Hoover was President. Dow Jones hits lowest level of Great Depression. Earl tried to split taxes in half by dividing income between him and his wife. IRS determined he still owed on all of his income, not just his half. Ruling: Earl still had to pay his whole taxes and that the contract meant nothing. Effect: Money cannot be split using a contract to avoid taxes.
  • West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish

    West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish
    Background: Hughes Court. FDR was President. The Hindenburg explodes in New Jersey. Parrish, a chambermaid, suid the West Coast Hotel for paying her less than minimum wage. Ruling: West Coast Hotel must pay Parrish her minimum wage. Effect: Minimum wage cannot be lestened through contracts.
  • Lisenba v. California

    Lisenba v. California
    Background: Stone Court. FDR was President. Pearl Harbor is bombed. Lisenba is sleep deprived and food deprived until he confesses murder and is sentenced to death. He argued that he did not make the confession under his own will. Ruling: The Death penalty still holds. Effect: Lisenba was executed in 1942.
  • Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire

    Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire
    Background: Stone Court. FDR was President. Battle of Los Angeles occurs where 5 Americans die by friendly fire in an air raid that never ocurred. Chaplinsky called organized religion a "racket". He was charged with offensive speech. He argued that the NH law is vague and violates his rights. Ruling: The arrest was legal. Profane words fall outside constitutional protection. Effect: Cussing is not protected in the constitution.
  • West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

    West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette
    Background: Stone Court. FDR is President. Invasion of Africa begins. WV BOE says students must salute the flag and say the Pledge of Alligience. Barnette argued it is constitutionally permitting not to say the pladge because it seemed too Hitlerish. Ruling: 1st Ammnedment prohibits forcing students to say the Pledge. Effect: School Boards cannot force students to say or do patriotic actions.
  • Sipuel v. Board of Regents of Univ. of Okla.

    Sipuel v. Board of Regents of Univ. of Okla.
    Background: Vinson Court. Truman was President. Marshall plan goes into effect. Ada Sipuel was denied admission to UO due to her race, and she was black. Ruling: Race cannot be a factor in college admissions. Effect: UO desegregated and Sipuel can attend college there.
  • Terminiello v. Chicago

    Terminiello v. Chicago
    Background: Vinson Court. Trumen is President. LA receives first snow fall in record. Terminiello, a priest, gave a speech causing much uprest in Chicago and was fined 100 dollars. Ruling: Chicago's "breach of peace" is unconstitutional. Effect: Terminiello's charges are dropped.
  • Kunz v. New York

    Kunz v. New York
    Background: Warren Court. Truman is President. US detonates first H-Bomb in the Pacific. New York required a permit to speak on religion in public. Kunz, a Baptist minister, spoke without such permit and was charged. Ruling: The Court found this mandate unconstitutional. Effects: Kunz's charges are dropped. States cannot limit speech on religion.
  • Miller Brothers Co. v. Maryland

    Miller Brothers Co. v. Maryland
    Background: Warren Court. Eisenhower is president. The first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus, is launched. Miller Brothers Co is a Delaware store that some Maryland residents buy stuff from. Maryland seized WB Co truck for not paying taxes. Ruling: Maryland did not have the right to tax Miller Brothers because it was an in state company from another state. Effect: States cannot tax out of state companies.
  • Barenblatt v. United States

    Barenblatt v. United States
    Background: Warrne Court. Eisenhower is President. Alaska and Hawaii are admitted as states. Barenblatt refused to tell of his political and religious views during hearings of the House Committee on Un-American Activities and was held in contempt of Congress. Ruling: HUAAC did not violate Constitutional rights. Congress has a right to stop Communism in this country. Effect: Communism is not protected under first Ammendent. Congressional power incresed.
  • MANual Enterprises v. Day

    MANual Enterprises v. Day
    Background: Warren Court. Kennedy was President. The Navy Seals become active. MANual Enterprises sells pornography of male men to the homosexual crowd. A Judicial Officer found the content obscene and unmailable. Ruling: Photographs of nude men are not considered obscene. Effect: Male pornography is perfectly fine your everyone too see since it contains no obscene content.
  • Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc.

    Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc.
    Background: Burger Court. Nixon was President. Watergate Scandal reaches peak of intensity. Gertz sued Robert Welch, Inc over defamation, lying, and spreading untrue rumors. Ruling: First Ammendment allows states to creat their own standards for libel. There is no such thing as a false idea. Effect: State standards on libel vary. People cannot be charged criminally or civilally for speculation.
  • Stanton v. Stanton

    Stanton v. Stanton
    Background: Burger Court. Nixon is President. US withdraws from Vietnam. A divorced father stopped paying childhood support for his 18 year old daughter. Mother sued for not being payed support. Ruling: The father was not obligated to pay support since the daughter turned 18. Maturity of females is 18 and maturity for males is 21. Effect: Set the age limits for child support. Declares females mature faster than males.
  • Mt. Healthy City School District Board of Education v. Doyle

    Mt. Healthy City School District Board of Education v. Doyle
    Background: Burger Court. Ford is President. Apple Computer is incorporated. Doyle's contract was not renewed due to poor behavior and performance and leaking dress code info to a radio station. The school district did not prove why he was fired. Ruling: The school must prove that he was not fired because of the radio incident. School cannot claim state immunity. Effect: 1st Ammendment is no longer absolute, but has limitations to itself.
  • Osborne v. Ohio

    Osborne v. Ohio
    Background Rehnquist court. Walker is president. Hubble Telescope launched. Court case about if possession of child pornograpy was illegal or just the distribution. Ruling Child pornorgrapy laws are determinedby the state. Effect Most states outlawed the possession of child pornography.
  • Riggins v. Nevada

    Riggins v. Nevada
    Background Rehnquist court. Walker is president. Cold War just ended. Court case about if a mentally ill person can take medication during trials. Ruling A mentally ill person can take medication during trials. Effect Mentally ill people are more credible witnesses
  • Sell v. United States

    Sell v. United States
    Background Rehnquist court. Bushv was president. Republicans have control of Senate. Court case about if a mentally ill patient can be forced to take medicine to make them more competent. Ruling Drugs can be administered under specific circumstances. Effect Courtrooms are safer from mentally ill people.
  • Boumediene v. Bush

    Boumediene v. Bush
    Background: Roberts court. Bush is president. Time square is bombed. Boumediene, a citizen of Bosnia, was held in Guantanamo Bay, but he caimed he had rights acording to the constitution. The government held the Habeas Corpus does not apply in Guantanamo Bay. Ruling: Habeas corpus extends to Guantanamo. Effect: Constitutional rights apply to those held in captivity outside america by Americans.
  • McDonald v. Chicago

    McDonald v. Chicago
    Background: Roberts court. Obama was President. Mcdonald argues the guns must be permited in Chicago due to the Second Ammendment. Ruling: Firearms are permitted in the home anywhere regardless of state or munuicipal laws. Effect: Guns cannot be banned inside homes by any state or municipal government.
  • Williamson v. Mazda

    Williamson v. Mazda
    Background: Roberst Court. Obama was President. Iraqi War ends. Williamson family sues Mazda over seatbelt failure resulting in the death of a child. Ruling: Lap and shoulder belts are required for all cars newly sold in the United States. Effect: It is mandatory fro all new american cars to have seatbeklts with waistbelts and shoulderbelts.