
  • Go to Beal

    Everyone that has gone to Beal and applied to OCAAD has gotten accepted so going there would greatly boost my chances of getting in. Beal and OCAAD are closely tied together
  • Get a good job

    In order to pay for my art, and for I'll need a good job. It would preferably be at an art gallery, or another good job.
  • Get accepted into OCAAD

    OCAAD's acceptance rate is one out of every three people, it's one of the best.
  • Have a nice small house

    I don't like big houses, so I want a nice small house that's compact with enough room for me and maybe a small dog
  • Graduate OCAAD

    I want to graduate OCAAD by the time I'm 25, after OCAAD I hope to get a good job in the arts
  • Have a Hognose snake

    I love snakes, and the hognose has always been my favorite. At my house right now I'm not allowed to have snakes (especially not venomous ones like the hognose) but I've always wanted one.
  • Have a job mainly in art

    By the time I'm 35 years old I want a good paying job mainly in art so I can do art for a job and for fun
  • Have an Irish Wolfhound

    I want an Irish Wolfhound, It's a giant dog that's very friendly.
  • Feel successful

    I want to feel successful by the time I'm 65, because if I do then I'll be happy
  • Be retired

    I want to be retired by 65, and still do art. But when I'm retired I can do art all day long.
  • Be fit and healthy

    Usually people that are above the age of 70 aren't very physically active so when I'm 70 I want to be fit.