Stefan Stojanovski's Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born on the fourth of april 2002. My twin brother, Andre, was born 15 minutes earlier (Which apparently makes him older). The fact that there were no digital cameras back then makes scanning this photos in difficult, oh well.
  • Moved to Panania

    Moved to Panania
    My parents were originally living in a unit in Punchbowl, but eventually moved to proper suburbia when me and Andre were about to start Kindergarten. I'm personally glad that was the case - that unit was tiny. The picture below showcases my house before it was built (Pretty, wasn't it?)
  • First computer

    It was in this year where my dad purchased a computer for the very first time. It was a desktop PC with a relatively small monitor; but it is such a significant item because it first fueled my passion for gaming in the first place (And computers in general).
  • Period: to

    Primary School

    I attended St Christopher's Panania. It was so close to my house that there was no reason not to attend it! I have a lot of great memories there, although the last three years at that school were dominated by construction.
  • My first laptop

    My first laptop
    As my birthday present, my dad got me my first laptop! It was a really poor acer laptop, but I still could play games on it. (As you can tell, the theme is computers!)
  • My First Cat!

    My First Cat!
    My family got our first family cat, Lucky! My other cat, Lion, was the only kitten from Lucky's litter which we kept. He was born over a year after we got Lucky.
  • Trip to Macedonia

    Trip to Macedonia
    This was a huge time in my life, where I spent a few months in my parent's home country. Me and my brother were born and raised in Australia, so going to a completely unfamiliar place was truly an experience in itself. Throughout the trip I met with a lot of relatives, and went sightseeing too!
  • Period: to

    High school

    De La Salle Revesby, and still attending! A lot of things have already happened during my time there, including winning the academic excellence award three years in a row (So many red boxes!). Only two years left to go!
  • Visitor from Macedonia

    Visitor from Macedonia
    For around six months, my cousin from Macedonia stayed with my family. Her name is Kristina, and her experience in Australia resulted in her refining her english and learn more about the (some times odd) Australian culture.