
Start of World War I; Shay Lewis and Jariah Putney

  • Assination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

    Francis Ferdinand was killed by a Serbian nationalist group known as the Black hand.
    Ferdinand was next in line to be Kaiser of Austria-Hungary
  • Declaring War

    After the assinantion of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Germny declares war on Belgium and try to defeat France. While this invaison happens Britain declares war on Germany.
  • Trenches

    The first trenches were dug.
    Trenches were dug to keep them from getting shot and they went for miles.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    A ship nearly the size of the Titanic was sunk by German U-boats. This passenger ship had 1200 people onboard now in the ocean bleeding out. 128 of them were Americans, which angered the Americans at home, and favored a war with Germany.
  • Britain plays dirty

    Britain uses poisonous gas in battle. However, wind conditions had made the weapon blow up in their face, literally causing 60000 casualties.
  • Central Alliance is formed

    An alliance was made between Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary.
  • Allied Powers is formed

    An alliance was formed between France, Britain, and Russia.
  • Wilson makes Demands

    President Wilson warns Germany to not continue with Unristricted submarine warfare.
  • Woodrow Willson is Re-elected

    Wilsons' campaign states "Keep out of the war" declaring the US shall not take part in the war. However would still trade with Britain.
  • Zimmerman Telegraph

    A telegraph was made by Germany and was sent to a Mexican ambassador to coax Mexico into a war with US, with promise of the lost land from the Mexican American war. This telegraph was intercepted by British spies, and brought to the US government.
  • Unrestriced U-Boat warfare

    Germany had declared any ships coming in and out of Britain will be sunk by their U-boats. No matter the ships' nationality.
  • Trading continues

    Trading continues between Britain and US regardless of war.
  • The US joins the Triple Entente

    The US finally joins the world war as an ally to the Triple Entente. Wilson says "The world most be made safe for Democracy".
  • Germany responds to American anger

    Germany ceases sinking ships with U-boats.