Fostre.tif e13644627386253

Stages of Development

  • Month 1

    Month 1
    The embryo is about 1/2' long
    The nervous system including the brain and spinal cord are forming
    The heart , lungs, and limbs are begininng to form
    By thee end of this month , the heart will begin to beat
  • Month 02

    Month 02
    Brain is rapidly developing and controls movment
    Arms and legs are growing and taking shape
    Other organs begin to work , such as liver and the stomach
    Detail on the face begins to happen
  • Month 03

    Month 03
    Fetal stage begins
    All orans are present and working but still immature
    Kidneys are start functioning
    Fingers and toes take shape
    Fetus is active but movements are not likely apparent to mother
  • Month 06

    Month 06
    The fetus is 8-12 inches long and weighs 12-18 ounces
    All organs are maturing
    The fetus can hear sounds and breathing movements can occur
    Fetus develops fat under the skin.
  • Month 09

    Month 09
    Fetus continues to grow and develop
    Movements will decrease as fetus has less room to move in the uterus
    Fetus will move into the final position to prepare for birth