Spring 2020 Bio 1303 Introduction to Biology Mastery Assignment 2

By Snooki
  • Heredity Transmitted in Units

    Gregor Mendel’s explained that through his experiments on peas, genetic traits are passed from parent through offspring. This even showed how natural selection could work and provide support for Charles Darwin's theory.
  • Natural Selection

    Charles Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species by Means of
    Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the
    Struggle for Life.”
  • Individuality of Chromosomes

    Boveri worked with eggs of a parasitic worm with just four chromosomes and came up with the conclusion that chromosomes were involved in heredity.
  • Walter Sutton

    Finds out during meiosis, chromosomes matched the segregation pattern from Gregor Mendel's work
  • Sutton and Boveri

    Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri presents that chromosomes have hereditary factors in accordance with Mendelian laws.
  • Theory of Heredity

    After using many fruit flies, Thomas Hunt Morgan found one fly with white eyes instead of red eyes. Morgan had discovered that eye color in the fruit flies expressed a sex-linked trait.
  • Jumping Genes

    Barbara McClintock used corn as the model organism and
    discovers that genes can move around on chromosomes.
  • Double Helix

    Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the molecular structure of DNA and that it was the master molecule that contains the genes, self-replicates and recombines during reproduction. And that it has a double helix.
  • Molecular Biology

    Francis Crick proposed two general principles. The Sequence Hypothesis and the Central Dogma. Information is transmitted from DNA and RNA to proteins, but information cannot be transmitted from a protein to DNA.
  • RNA

    Fransis Crick's experiments reveals a type of RNA which is messenger RNA that transports genetic information from the nucleus to the protein-making in a cell.