Space time line

By Pr21424
  • 1st telescope

    1st telescope
    Hans lippershey invented the first telescope in 1608. It was a big deal because I could take thing that were far away and make them look a lot closer. This was helpful to anyone interested in space because you could see so much more.
  • The first spotting off the moon trough a telescope.

    The moon was spotted out of a telescope.
  • Robert H. Launches first liquid fueld rocet.

    The first liquid fueld rocet was launched.
  • Personal rocket

    Herman obertn launches first personal rocket with students.
  • German military rocket

    First German military liquid fueld rocket develops.
  • Soviet Union launches rocket

    The soviet unio launched a rocket all by them selves.
  • Research flight launched.

    First research flight launched.
  • Animals in space

    The first animals in space. (Fruit flies)
  • 1st satellite

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 in 1957. This was a huge deal because nobody had ever done that and now we would use these satellite to send radio signals up to space and back down.