Space Exploration

By mayo
  • Period: to

    Space Age

  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1 launched, making it the first manmade object to orbit Earth
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2 launched, carrying the Laika for a seven day joyride around the Earth.
  • Explorer 1

    First U.S satilite in orbit. Discovers Earth's radiation belt.
  • Explorer 2

    Failed to reach orbit.
  • N.A.S.A

    N.A.S.A founded
  • Pioneer 1

    First space probe.
  • Luna 1

    First man made satelite to orbit the moon
  • Pioneer 4

    First U.S sun orbiter.
  • Luna 2

    First manmade object to hit the moon.
  • Discoverer XIV

    U.S launches first camera equipped spy satilite.
  • First Man in space

    Cosmonaut Yuri A Gargarin is the first man in space.
  • Mercury Freedom 7

    Mercury Freedom 7 carries Alan B. Shepard in suborbital flight. First American on the Moon
  • Second Flight of Mercury Freedom 7

    Mercury Freedom 7 carries John Glenn into the first manned orbit of the Earth.
  • First Woman in Space

    Soviet Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova is the first woman in space.
  • First Spacewalk

    Cosmonaut Alexei A. Leonov is the first man to walk in space.
  • First American Spacewalk

  • First Landing on the Moon

    first spacecraft to land on the moon.
  • First Moon Orbit

    First orbiting of the Moon by Soviet Luna 10
  • First Soft landing on the moon

    Surveyer 1 is the first spacecraft to make a soft landing on the moon.
  • First Space Fatality

    Soyuz 1 crashes killing Vladimir M Komarov.
  • First manned Flight to the moon

    Appollo 8 makes first manned orbit of the moon.
  • First Man on the Moon

    Neil Armstrong makes first moonwalk. Edwin aldwin Jr. helps.
  • First golf ball on the moon

    Apollo 14 brings Alan Shepard to the moon to be the first man to hit a golf ball on the moon.
  • First woman on a space shuttle

    Sally K. Ride is the frist woman on a space shuttle, the Challenger.
  • First woman "spacing out"

    Svetlana Savitskaya becomes the first woman to walk in space.
  • First American to walk in Space.

    Katherine Sullivan becomes the first american to walk in space.
  • First Fatalities on board a space shuttle

    The space ship chalanger explodes, killing all on board.
  • Hubble Telescope

    Space shuttle Discovery deploys the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • First servicing of the Hubble Telescope

    The Space shuttle Endeavor serviced hubble space Telescope.
  • First Shuttle mission piloted by a female.

    The Shuttle Endeavor is the first shuttle to be flown by a woman during a docking a Mir.