Social Studies Timeline of the Thirteen Colonies

By Brody F
  • Period: to

    The Thirteen Colonies

  • Virginia

    A lot of colonists spent most of thier life mineing for gold.
  • Massachucets

    John Winthrop and the puritans came to Massachusets in 1630. They were seeking freedom and practicing religien.
  • Rhode Island

    Roger Whilliams and the other puritans whated to seek freedom and religious toleration.
  • Connecticut

    Thomas was a puritan and wanted to remain a puritan. He also wanted rules for the puritans based from the Free Consent of the people.
  • South Carolina

    The colony has a lot of ritch soil for plantation.
  • New York

    They renamed the colony New York after the duke of James.
  • New Jersey

    the colony obtained it's rights from the quakers.
  • New Hampshire

    The land was given to John Mason for seeking new epinonic opertuneties.
  • French and indian War

    French and indian War
    The war started in 1754. It was between the british, clolnists, France and the Indians. It ended in 1763. The British were tring to take the colonists land.
  • Stamp Act of 1763

    Stamp Act of 1763
    The French and Indian War was exspensive. The colonists had to pay for the war. For the cost of the war, the British Made taxes for the war and one of them is the Samp Act of 1763.
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    The war was exspencive. People had to pay for the war. For that , The British made taxes and one of them is the Sugar act of 1764.
  • Declaratory Act of 1766

    Declaratory Act of 1766
    This act is for the atempt for the British to take over the colonial lands again.
  • Townsshend Act of 1767

    This act was about the british bringing in lead, tea, and many other stuff to the colonies.
  • Boston massacre

    The Boston Massacre was about the Townshends acts and the colonists started to get angry so the colonists starrted to attack the british. The British killed five people including Criptus Attucks.
  • Tea Act of 1773

    The act was for that the tea that was shiped would go strait to the colonies not to great Britain.
  • Boston Tea party

    This was about the colonists got angry at the british so a group called the Sons of Liberty went in three ships and threw chests of tea into the ocean. They were later punished.
  • Coercive act of 1774

    This act was for the punishment of the colonists from them throwing chests of tea into the Boston Harber.
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary war started in 1775. After the war ended we won and The British got the land.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    This letter was for the King George the third and it was for trying to evoid the war between the colonists and the British for Independence.
  • Decloration of Independence

    Decloration of Independence
    The Decloration of Independence was about the colonies having freedom from the British. The document was wrote by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Treaty of Paris

    John adams, and Benjemin Franklan made the Treaty of Pais. They later went to King george the third to sign it.
  • Delaware

    The swedish people were try to seek religious freedom from catholics.
  • Pennsylvania

    Whilliam Penn asked for a new colony, for the quakers and himself.
  • Georgia

    A man named James Ogalthorp had given everybody a chance to earn money to pay their depts.
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltemore was seeking religious freedom for the catholics.
  • North Carolina

    It is made up of farmers.