Slaughterhouse Five

  • Born

    Billy was born in ilium ny
  • Period: to

    Time span

    Billies birth to his death date
  • Vacation

    Billy goes to the Grand Canyon with his family
  • Billys drafted

    Billy was drafted into the army while at optometry school. His father dies in the hunting accident
  • Captured

    Billy and weary were captured by the Germans
  • Slaughterhouse Five

    billy is sent to slaughterhouse five in dresden
  • Mental Ward

    Billy admits himself into a mental ward he meets Eliot rosewater this is where he is introduced to Kilgore trouts novels
  • Lions Club

    Billy was elected president of the lions club in ilium ny
  • Valencias death

    Billys wife dies due to carbon monoxide poisoning while trying to get to billy in the hospital after the plane crash
  • Kilgore trout

    Billy meets his favorite author, ending up driving trout around helping him deliver newspapers because one of his paperboys quit
  • New York city

    Billy goes to New York city, he attempts to appear on a radio show and tell everyone about the Tralfamadorians, and time travel. he got kicked off the show because people there see him as insane.
  • Dresden

    Bombing of dresden, Billys first time travel, billy died and always will die on February 13th
  • Billys Death

    billy is assassinated in by Paul Lazaro he promised revenge on wearys death during war