


    When we talk about the different tenses , we need to talk about how to form the tense and when we use it . Therefore , in this lesson , as with all other tenses lessons , we will look at the structure and use.
  • Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)

    Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)
    To conjugate Present use the simple infinitive to Subjects " I" , "you" , "us" and "them" and for Third parties "he" , "she" and "her" , add the UN "-s " the final of the verb.
  • Structure

    Affirmative Sentences
  • Affirmative Sentences

    Affirmative Sentences
    Ejemplos: I talk. (Yo hablo.) He eats. (Él come.) They learn. (Ellos aprenden.)
  • Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)

    Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)
    Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to do) + auxiliar negativo (“not”) + verbo.
    Ejemplos: I do not [don’t] talk. (Yo no hablo.) He does not [doesn’t] eat. (Él no come.) They do not [don’t] learn. (Ellos no aprenden.)
  • Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)

    Verbo auxiliar (to do) + sujeto + verbo principal?
    Ejemplos: Do you talk? (¿Hablas tú?) Does he eat? (¿Come él?) Do they learn? (¿Aprenden ellos?)
  • Uses

    The present simple is used to talk about things that usually happen . Unlike the Spanish , the simple present is not used to talk about something that is happening at the moment in which we speak .
  • Uses

    It is typically used with the present simple adverbs of time : always (siempre), every day (cada día), usually (normalmente),
    often (a menudo), sometimes (a veces), rarely (raramente),
    hardly ever (casi nunca), never (nunca)…
    Ejemplos: I always talk to my mother on Sunday. (Siempre hablo con mi madre el domingo.) He never eats vegetables. (Nunca come las verduras.) They usually learn something new in class. (Normalmente aprenden algo nuevo en la clase.)
  • It is used to speak in generalities or scientific facts.

    It is used to speak in generalities or scientific facts.
    He does not [doesn’t] eat vegetables. (Él no come verduras.)
    She works in a hospital. (Ella trabaja en una hospital.)
    Elephants live in Africa. (Los elefantes viven en África.)
    Bogota is in Colombia. (Bogotá está en Colombia.)
    Do children like animals? (¿Les gustan a los niños los animales?)
    Adults do not [don’t] know everything. (Los adultos no lo saben todo.)
  • It is used for events scheduled in the near future.

    It is used for events scheduled in the near future.
    The train leaves at 10:00. (El tren sale a las 10h.) The party is tonight. (La fiesta es esta noche.) Does the festival start tomorrow? (¿Empieza el festival mañana?) The plane does not [doesn’t] arrive today. (El avión no llega hoy.)
  • Present Continuous

    Present Continuous
    To form the present continuous auxiliary verb "to be" and the gerund ( infinitive + "-ing " ) of the verb is used.
  • examples

    Sujeto Auxiliar (to be) Gerundio
    I am talking, eating, learning, doing, going…
    he, she, it is talking, eating, learning, doing, going…
  • Structure

    Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas) Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + gerundio.
    Ejemplos: I’m talking. (Estoy hablando.) He’s eating. (Está comiendo.) They’re learning. (Están aprendiendo.)
  • Negative Sentences

     Negative Sentences
    Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + auxiliary negative (not) + gerund . Examples: I’m not talking. (No estoy hablando.) He’s not [He isn’t] eating. (No está comiendo.)
  • Interrogative Sentences

     Interrogative Sentences
    Auxiliary verb (to be) + subject + gerund ?
    Examples: Are you talking? (¿Estás hablando?)
    Is he eating? (¿Está comiendo?)
    Are they learning? (¿Están aprendiendo?)
  • Uses

    The present continuous is used to talk about something that is happening at the moment we speak. Examples:
    I’m studying now. (Estoy estudiando ahora.)
    He’s eating at the moment. (Está comiendo en este momento.)
    Is it raining? (¿Está lloviendo?)
  • Uses

    We use the present continuous to talk about something that is already decided to be made in the near future. Its use indicates that it is fairly certain that will happen as planned .
    examples: I’m going to the party tonight. (Voy a la fiesta esta noche.)
    He’s not [He isn’t] coming to class tomorrow. (No viene a la clase manaña.)
    Are you working next week? (¿Trabajas la semana que viene?)