Significant Events of WWI

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    WWI began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Tensions troubled the Balkan region, many years before WWI. The assassinator, Gavrilo Princip, wanted to end Austro-Hungarian rule in that region. This would set off a chain of events.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Kaiser Wilhelm II
    He was a German leader that told the leaders of Austria-Hungary that he would support the war they were about to start. On July 5, Wilhelm II gave his support through a "blank check' backing up the cause of the war.
  • WWI Begins

    The Serbian government told their troops to get ready and ask for Russia's help. Austria-Hungary declared war on July 28. This caused the peace between Europe's greater powers to fall. Russia, Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Serbia went against Austria-Hungary and Germany. This was the beginning of WWI.
  • German Assault on Liege-Leads to First Battle

    Germany fought WWI on two fronts, invading France through Belgium on the west and facing Russia on the east. German troops attack the fortified city of Liege, they leave mass destruction in their wake. They march onward through Belgium to France.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    This battle was one of the "largest calvary skirmishes of the age" (Battle of Tannenberg). The Russians were defeated in this battle, but the German army moved to corps from the western to the eastern front. This contributed to the loss of the Battle of the Marne.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    After the battle of in Belgium, German troops try to invade France but are met with the French and British army. The two armies push Germany's army north to the Aisne River.
  • Battle of Dogger Bank

    Great Britain had the better navy out of the rest of the countries, before that time. The British ambushed the German U-boats, but the Germans didn't want to confront the British navy.
  • British Isles: A Warzone

    British Isles: A Warzone
    Until 1915, America stayed on the sidelines, watching the war go on in Europe. Germany decided to declare the waters around the British Isles as warzones. German U-boats shrunk many commercial ships, including some U.S. ships.
  • German Fire

    This is the first time chlorine gas is used in battle. This causes a near collapse in the French lines. Germans can't take advantage of the defeat.
  • First Zeppelin Raid on London

    This was the first Zeppelin raid on a European country. The British were upset after this and went after Germans even more. This would lead up to the end of WWI.
  • First Tanks Used

    First Tanks Used
    The first tanks ever used in battle is at Delville Wood. This brings new advancements in later wars.
  • Russian Revolution

    With defeat on the battlefield, mixed with economic stability, scarce food, and many other factors, this caused the hostility to be aimed at the imperial reign. In 1917, Lenin and the Bolsheviks created the Russian Revolution and ended czarist rule. Russia reached an armistice and freed the German troops to face the rest of the Allies.
  • America Joins WWI

    There was protest over the sinking of a British U-boat that held hundreds of American passengers on board. In May of 1915, the American public turned to hate Germany. In early 1917, Congress passed a bill intended to get the U.S. ready for war.
  • Selective Service Act

    The US passes an act that authorizes the draft. This changes the way people in America are sent into war.
  • Germany and Russia Make Peace

    Germany and Russia Make Peace
    Germans sign a peace treaty with the Bolshevik government of Russia. This gives Germany land to take over, expanding their influence
  • Battle of Cantigny

    This is America's first offensive war. They fight hard and go on to larger attacks against Germany
  • Belleau Woods End

    This battle ends with the final push of getting the Germans out from the wood. This marks the furthest advance on Paris. This has caused nearly 10,000 American casualties.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    Second Battle of the Marne
    German troops launched the last offensive of the war. The attacked French troops and the Allies pushed back the Germans. This battle turned the war in favor of the Allies.
  • Turks Sign a Treaty with the Allies

    Later defeats, lead to the Ottoman empire's economy being destroyed, which forced the Turks to sign a treaty with the Allies. This is one solution that would lead to an armistice of the rest of the countries.
  • WWI Ends

    The end of WWI ended when Germany signed an armistice. All of these events prior caused the final loss of the Germans.