Sergio Pojular-Granda

  • Birth

    I was born March 9,2000 @2:05pm.
  • My First Fight

    My First Fight
    My first fight I was about 6 or 7. It all started because my stepfather friend took out some boxing gloves and said whoever wins gets money. So I jumped up all happy go lucky and another guy jumped up. He was a little bigger, so we started fighting and long story short he beat me up.
  • First Football Game

    First Football Game
    My first football game was the biggest game ever to me. I was so pumped up about it I didn't get any sleep the night before. My mom was really proud to be able to see me on the field. Our first game we lost terribly and it hurt me so bad. I was really disappointed in myself that I practiced harder everyday until we won a game.
  • First Day of Senior High Football

    First Day of Senior High Football
    My first day of senior high football was really cool. I got to meet new people that I would later on call my friends. Our first game was against Prescott, so we were so pumped. They were our first game and our rivals so we wanted to beat them bad. But when the game happened we lost not terribly but we lost.
  • The Day My Mom Had Surgery

    The day my mom had surgery I didn't know what was going on. All I know is that we had to go to the hospital. Then after I found out she had surgery I didn't really think anything about it until I got to the room and seen her. Her leg was missing. That was my first time witnessing that and I was devastated. I was heartbroken. Then later on she had the other one took off and know she is on dialysis. This woman is what made me into the man I am today.