School Nutrition Program Timeline

  • The beginning

    In the first decades of the 20th century school lunches were served to children attending public schools in many of America's larger cities. Meals were carefully prescribed by nutrition scientists. Menus were developed to ensure each student consumed the number of calories (energy) calculated to maximize his or her learning potential. British school lunch programs provided successful models for American organizers. Similar public charity feeding programs were established at Ellis Island.
  • America was becoming as one

    The US Government expanded the school lunch program during the Great Depression. The logistics of connecting people commodities with hungry students required creativity and commitment.Schools without cafeterias were gifted with hot lunch delivered courtesy of local organizations. School food gardens were encouraged as learning tools as well as fresh outdoor "pantry." Then, as today, schools situated in places with longer growing seasons fared better than northern urban counterparts.
  • Home food

    The same food for lunch day after day will make anyone's appetite lag, particularly if he must take his lunch with him to school or work. Today's jaunty bags--big enough to hold both books and lunch--also boast a vacuum bottle in a hideaway compartment. But one of the new widemouthed and/or regular vacuum bottles. They make it safe to pack soups, salads, baked beans, beverages, etc. Keep the box lunch in mind when planning dinner the night before.
  • Led to obeisty

    The government-subsidized school lunch served to 25 million American school children may be harmful to their health and the G.A.O (General Accounting Office) found the issue. An investigation, based on independent laboratory analysis of school lunches, also made revealed that some of the meals did not meet the processors' claims for vitamin content. The children left a large amount of their lunches uneaten, resulting in the waste of millions of dollars and a further reduction in nutrition.
  • Fat foods are reduced

    In during this time over many years owners are slowly realizing that they should start creating for healthily choices during this time and that it was time for a change.
  • A change

    Michelle Obama started Let’s Move!, her campaign against child obesity, in 2010, the members of the School Nutrition Association were her natural allies. The average weight of the American child had been climbing at an alarming rate since the 1980's, and now one in three American kids was obese or overweight. Obama administration got behind the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, an ambitious bill that would impose strict new nutrition standards on all food sold in public schools.
  • My opinion

    I think that us and the world is showing commitment to a problem that can lead to many deaths and that they show on how they can care for the people and their needs. It is important to keep the children healthy because they will be the ones growing up and changing the world around us and they need to be in good shape in-order to do so. Without the young brain we have now, there will be no progress made and that people will become lazy. This is a great thing that can lead into more great things.