Sarah Reimer 1700 to 1800

  • New York Slave Rebellion

    After the rebellion, six rebels committed suicide and the rest were executed sending a message to potential rebels that the consequences would be steep.
  • Ben Franklin buys interest in Pennsylvania Gezette

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The war would determine control of the North American colonies
  • Washington Attacks Fort Duguesne

    This attack would set in motion the French and Indian War
  • The Stamp Act of 1765

    The Stamp Act imposed by the British on American colonies was to collect taxes for items printed on paper.
  • The Boston Massacre

    British army soldiers killed colonist in Boston
  • Declaration of Independence

    The American colonies declared independence from Great Britian
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation adopted by the Continental congress would be a precursor to the future US Constitution
  • Congress Ratifies Preliminary Peace Treaty

    The peace treaty would effectively end the revolutionary war
  • George Washington becomes the first US President

  • Bill of Rights takes effect

  • Eli Whitney patents the Cotton Gin

    The cotton gin would effectively change the cotton crop by efficiently separating the fibers and seeds
  • Thomas Jefferson announces Mould Board Plow

    This design would revolutionize agriculture, again advancing farming efficiency