Russian Revolution

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    The First Romanov Ruler

    Mikhail Feodorovich was the first ruler of the Romanov Dynasty in Russia. During his reign, he managed to unify Russia and end internal conflicts.
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    Nicholas I

    Czar Nicholas I suppressed any and all liberal ideas in an attempt to maintain power in Russia.
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    Alexander II

    During his rule, one of the most imporatant acheivements made by Alexander II was his abolition of serfdom.
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    The Last Romanov Emperor/ Czar

    Nicholas II was the last ruler in the Romanov Dynasty. He took the throne after the death of his father and took steps to greatly improve the foreign policy of Russia. He abdicated the throne after the Russian Revolution.
  • Abdication by Czar Nicholas II

    Nicholas II was forced to abdicate the throne due to the February Revolution, his lack of training and knowledge of leadership, and the effects that war had taken on the country. Russia was in a bad place at this time and all blame was being put onto him.
  • Vadimir Lenin

    The arrest and exectution of his brother for being found to be a part of an underground group who planned to kill Alexander III, led him to a life of activism and ultimately led him to become the leader of the Russian Revolution.