Russian revolution

Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    The Decembrist Revolt was an uprising led by the Northern Society in Russia. This group of nobles wanted to convince the Russians that, after Alexander I's death, they should refuse an oath to Nicholas I. They wanted to have Constantine, Nicholas's brother, to take over instead. The uprising was poorly organised, so it was a complete failure. This event was a sign that people had less trust in the czars, and would inspire future uprisings to overthrow the czar.
  • Nicholas II Becomes Czar of Russia.

    Nicholas II Becomes Czar of Russia.
    Nicholas II, later to become the final Russian czar, stepped up to the throne directly after his father, Alexander III, died from kidney disease. Alexander felt he wasn't ready and didn't know how to rule, but did it anyway. Nicholas's bad and unthoughtful decisions in the future would be the ultimate downfall of Russian czars.
  • Russo-Japanese War Begins

    Russo-Japanese War Begins
    Russia had taken over many eastern Asian territiories, includng the Liaodong Peninsula and Manchuria. Japan was unhappy, so they declared the Russo-Japanese War. Russia had a much larger military and more supplies than Japan.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was a peaceful demonstration put up by the Assembly of Russian Workingmen, led by priest Gapon. They demonstrated at the Winter Palace, intending to get to Nicholas II. Nicholas II was not there, and the security, after a time, were ordered to fire on the crowd. Nicholas was deemed "Bloody Nicholas," and this event sparked uprisings over Russia, starting the Russian Revolution of 1905.
  • Russo-Japanese War Ends

    Russo-Japanese War Ends
    Despite Russia's advantages, smart surprise attacks and big wins allowed Japan to win the war and gain their territories back. This loss made general distrust in the government, and it showed the weakening power of Russia and its military.
  • Russia Enters WWI

    Russia Enters WWI
    Russia, having joined the Central Powers, was planning on capturing a part of Germany. Germany then declared war, which got them into WWI. Russia was having a harder and harder time getting defeats against Germany.
  • March (February) Revolution

    March (February) Revolution
    Workers were unhappy about their bad pay during the war, and many went on strike. Mobs of people took to the streets, and people refused to stop. On the third day, troops fired on the crowd, but the protestors wouldn't stop. Eventually, the troops failed and joined the protestor's side. This event led to Nicholas's abdication, and showed most people were sick of czars.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdocates the Throne

    Czar Nicholas II Abdocates the Throne
    After recieving constant struggles and hatred, Nicholas II finally is forced to step down from the throne. He and his family were taken to Siberia by train, shot and killed, and buried in secret. This event was the end of all czars in Russia, as the government is soon overthrown by the Bolsheviks.
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    The Bolsheviks take over the Russia government. Disagreements about WWI solution has people siding with the Mensheviks against the new government leaders. Eventually, an all-out civil war starts. 6 million+ die, and the Bolsheviks are left victors. The Bolsheviks go on to capture more land with this victory, and are shown as the supreme power of Russia.
  • Russia Out of WWI

    Russia Out of WWI
    After the Bolsheviks took Russia over, they realized how difficult fighting Germany was and decided to declare peace. Russia lost Ukraine and other territories, but they were out of WWI. Not all revolutionaries were happy with the peace treaty, so they split off of the Bolsheviks and formed a new party, aiding the inevitable civil war.
  • Creation of USSR

    Creation of USSR
    After the war, Lenin and the Bolsheviks create the Soviet Union as a fellowship of the soviets. This included multiple countries other than Russia, The government was in a communist state. The USSR would grow to hold 15 countries and be a world stronghold until diminished in 1991.
  • Vladimir Lenin Dies

    Vladimir Lenin Dies
    Vladimir Lenin died on this day of a brain hemorhhage at 54. He led the Bolsheviks and was a man of great power, founding the Soviet Union. He was the one that took control of Russia when it was well needed. Lenin also distributed land evenly and made some better decisions than many of the czars did, ultimately making the Russians happy. Lenin sealed an important part of history with his name.