Robert Barrett's WW1 Timeline

  • Assasination

    I late June of 1914 Franz Ferdinand and his wife were gunned down and Ferdinand was killed by a teenage Serbian. The intention of the Serbian's was to start war. Exactly a month after his death, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
  • U-Boat Sinks the Lusitania

    U-Boat Sinks the Lusitania
    On May 7th, 1915 a German boat sank an American boat called "The Lusitania" in the Celtic Sea. The boat sunk when it was hit by an explodng torpedo fired by a German U-Boat. U.S. decidednto change its nuetrality in WW1
  • US War

    US War
    On January 1st, there was a telegram sent to the German ambassador in Mexico. Soon after, word was leaked to the newspaper. When this happened, the United States declared war was necessary.
  • Acoustic Locator

    Acoustic Locator
    Large horns mounted on wheels minitored through headphones by crew members. They would move the platform an pinpoint he aircraft. Later surpassed by the Radar in 1940.
  • Spool Dog

    Spool Dog
    Many animals were used during ww1 and dogs were a main one. Soldiers would train dogs to deliver messages to other troops or camps. The soldiers would put a spool ontop of a messanger dog to lay down wire in the battle feild.
  • Motorbike Gunner

    Motorbike Gunner
    7-8 machine gun crews would head out into battle. The gunner would sit in the armored sidecar of the motorcycle. The gus was a heavy machine gun with a round spinning barrel.
  • Mothers Day Flowers

    Mothers Day Flowers
    Will sent a letter to his mother on mothers day with dried flowers. He talks about how it has been rainy for the past couple of days and how he wishes it was summer weather again.He explains hoe the Germans are losing lots of men.
  • Post Card to Mother

    Post Card to Mother
    William was in France while this photo was taken. He is wearing a jacket with big buttons.He wrote little on the postcard and it looks like the photo was taken in a rough environment.
  • Letter to Mother

    Letter to Mother
    The letter talks about how he has been looking for a letter from her for a long time. He says she is probably busy with house cleaning. He wonders if her eyes are ok and if she has goten new glasses yet.
  • Horse Decoy

    Horse Decoy
    The false horses were made out of chicken wire and paper mache.They were only have of a horse and they are places in no man's land. Snipers would hind in them and snipe.
  • Christmas Card Sent home

    Christmas Card Sent home
    The title of the postcard was "America's Stars at Sea". There is a picture of a boat at sea and there is a flag in the background. This post card was sent home for his whole family to see.
  • Sniper Plates

    Sniper Plates
    Germans in the trenches wore gas masks and plates on the forehead area.This plate is called a stirpanzer. It protects the soldier from getting sniped when popping their head up.
  • Letter to Wife

    Letter to Wife
    The letter was explaining how he just passed the Azores islands. He says the weather is very nice and there was a couple rain showers in the morning. He is 3040 miles away from the US.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Exactly 5 years after the asssasination of Franz Ferdinand, a treaty was signed between Germany and the allied powers. It ended the stae of war between the two. Later on , wehn the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, the Treaty of Versailles allowed Germany to keep its territorial gains.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    After WW1, American were on edge. People were afraid of communists, socialists, and anarchists. People were jailed for expressing civil belifes and expressing their views.