Colonial America Timeline Project

  • Roanoke

    A group of English settlers arrived on Roanoke Island. Later that year, John White, governor of the new colony, would sail back to England in order to gather a fresh load of supplies.White finally returned to Roanoke, He found no trace of the colony and no one. A clue was found when a word, “Croatoan" was carved into a wooden post. Since that day, no one knows what really happened.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Who: The British
    What: Salutary Neglect was a long-standing British Policy in the 13 colonies which allowed the colonists to flout, or violate, the laws associated with trade.
    Why: There were no effective enforcement agencies and it was expensive to send British troops to America.
    Where: England
  • Jamestown

    Who: founded by Virginia Company
    What: The English settled there, and the first two years were a failure.
    Why: Famine and disease, really put a hole into Jamestown.
    Where: Jamestown, Virginia.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Who: Elective leaders
    What: First legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America.
    Why: To encourage English settlement, and to improve conditions within the colonies.
    Where: Jamestown, Virgina
  • Great Migration (Puritan)

    Great Migration (Puritan)
    English puritans migrated to New England, the Chesapeake and West Indies. The Puritans left England primarily due to religious persecution but also for economic reasons as well.
  • Mayflower/ Plymouth

    Mayflower/ Plymouth
    Who: Separatists, pilgrims
    What: Leave Church of England, and find new settlement.
    Why: For religious freedom.
    Where: Virginia.
  • New York

    New York
    Who: Founded by the Duke of York
    What: Freedom of religion
    Why: Everyone can have religious freedom
    Where: Along the Hudson River
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Who: settled by Puritan refugees from England.
    What: They had joint proprietors with rights of ownership and government.
    Why: To be separate from the crown, and for religious freedom.
    Where: Massachusetts
  • Maryland

    Who: George Calvert, Lord Baltimore
    What: Originally founded as a haven for Catholics
    Why: Many colonies did not allow Catholicism
    Where: Marylamd
  • Connecticut

    Who: Founded by Thomas Hooker
    What: Religious and economic reasons
    Why: Puritans did not have religious freedom
    Where: Near Hartford
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Who: Roger Williams
    What: The Puritan's disagreed with William's religious views. He was exiled.
    Why: For religious freedom.
    Where: Rhode Island
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    Who: Cecil Calvert
    What: Catholics of Maryland threw their support behind the Act of Toleration.
    Why: This was a law mandating religious tolerance against all Christians.
    Where: Maryland
  • Carolina

    Who: Founded by eight nobles, and King Charles 11
    What: Not dominated by a specific religion
    Why: For religious freedom
    Where: North & South Carolina
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Who: Virginia settlers
    What: Uprising of the Virginia colony
    Why: Virginians rose because they resented Governor William Berkeley's friendly policies towards the Native Americans
    Where: Virginia
  • Pennsylvania

    Who: Founded by William Penn
    What: Not dominated by a specific religion
    Why: For religious freedom
    Where: Pennsylvania
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Who: Young girls in Salem
    What: claimed to be possessed by the Devil, and accused several women of witch craft.
    Why: No one knows exactly, but there are several theories including: Ergot poisoning, the girls were bored, or disputes/rivalries.
    Where: Salem, Massachusetts
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    Who: Jonathon Edwards
    What: preached to Christians about needing forgiveness, and justification by faith alone.
    Why: Christians were feeling complacent with their methods of worship, and some carried moire about wealth and power.
    Where: Across the American colonies.
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    Who: Between France, and Great Britain.
    What: Nine year war between both countries. (1754-1763)
    Why: War began over one issue, whether the upper Ohio River valley was part of the British empire.
    Where: North America
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    Who: suggested by Benjamin Franklin
    What: A plan to create a unified government for the thirteen colonies.
    Why: Benjamin Franklin anticipated many of the problems, and that would beset the government created after independence.
    Where: Albany, New York
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Who: The British
    What: British issued a proclamation to the Indians.
    Why: For checking settlers on their lands.
    Where: North America