River Between Us - Ryan Moles #27

  • The Promblem

    The Promblem
    Tilly's family which consist of her brother, younger sister, and her mother who all were left by their father/husband. The promblem here is that since their father is off working on the river the family is poor and relies on the income of Noah. But, Noah wants to go off and fight for the war.
  • Rising event 1.

    Cass, the youngest sister of the family see's visions of dead people well sitting on top of the Devils Backbone.
  • Rising event 2.

    Mother is very worried that one day Noah will run off to war.
  • Rising event 3.

    Two young woman show up named Delphine and Calinda. They show up on the Mississippi River and are from New Orleans.
  • Rising event 4.

    Mother invites the two young women to stay at their house. They have beautiful skirts and are very rich. They also pay for their stay at the Pruitts house.
  • Rising event 5

    Calinda and Cass become very good friends since they can both see into the future. Delphine describes their relationship as the sister Cass always needed.
  • Rising event 6.

    Delphine who is wearing a beautiful dress and bonnet, decided to give mother a beautiful silk green dress and give delphine a beautiful bonnet. Mother decides to put the dress in her death box.
  • Rising event 7

    Delphine goes shopping with Tilly. They buy oil lamps that make the house light up like it was the middle of the day.
  • Rising event 8

    C. Marshall leaves and note to Tilly saying that he left to fight in the Cival War.
  • Rising event 9

    Noah and Delphine have a little relationship going on. They are not going out but they like eachother.
  • Rising event 10

    Most people in Grand Tower believe Calinda and Delphine are spies. Noah gets picked on because of the fact that people thinks he living with spies.
  • Lincolns Inagruation

    Lincolns Inagruation
    On this date Lincoln gave is Inagruation address after becoming the 16th president. This was a huge time for America because of the huge tension between the North and South.
  • Rising event 11.

    The whole family plus Delphine and Calinda attend a dance on the showboat. Delphine dances with Noah and Tilly dances with Dr. Hutchings.
  • Rising event 12.

    Calinda gets called out by a person playing a instrument. They find out Calinda's actual name is CoinCoin and she is a very famous dancer in New Orleans. Also, they find that CoinCoin is not a slave but the sister of Delphine
  • Climax

    Noah leaves during the night to go fight in the Civil war.
  • Falling action 1

    After Noah left mother gets very sad and depressed and tells Tilly to go find Noah and bring him back because she needs him more than her.
  • Falling action 2.

    Delphine and Tilly try to go find Noah. They find him and nurse him back to better health as well as his fellow soldiers.
  • Falling action 3

    Noah goes off and fights in the Civil War. His arm gets amputated off by Dr. Hutchings and they travel back home.
  • Falling action 4

    They find Paw's casket at home. He died fighting against his son Noah. They find that Mother went crazy and killed her self by jumping into the river.
  • Resolution

    Resolution actually took place in 1916. Howard Hutchings talks to Tilly, Delphine, Noah, and Dr. Hutchings about all that has happened.He finds out Cass dies, and Delphine is on the verge of dieing. Also, Delphine and Noah never got married but had their son which is Howard's father. All four of them raised Howard's father together. Howard becoms very proud of his family.
  • The Attack of Fort Sumter.

    The Attack of Fort Sumter.
    The Attack of Fort Sumter was the first battle of the Civil War. All around you could hear the booming canons flying over Charleston Harbor and that marked the begining of the Civil War. It ended with no deaths because the Union surrended early.
  • The Battle of Bull Run

    The Battle of Bull Run
    The Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the armies in Virginia. The war ended after the shattered Union Army fled to safty in Washington D.C.
  • The Battle of Belmont

    The Battle of Belmont
    The Battle of Belmont was a battle of great honor to the war. The Battle of Belmont began at 9:00am and last through out the whole day till sundown. Both sides lost about 100 men in the battle.