Rise of the Nazis

  • Start and beliefs of the NSDAP (Nazis)

    A Minor political party that emerged in January 1919. The party strive toward Nationalism, and was anti-Jewish.
  • Hitler assumes controls of the Nazis

    Hitler assumes controls of the Nazis
    In July 1921, Hitler became the fuhrer of the Nazis. His first action was the creation of a enforcement group that later became known as the 'Brown shirts'. The Brown shirts were used to deal with opponents.
  • Nazi Supporters

    The Nazis became popular with many citizens in the middle class, farmers, and small business owners. The main reason was because they felt betrayed by the Weimar government.
  • Great Depression Impact on the Nazis

    Many German voters looked to other parties like the Nazis after the Weimar government failed to respond to the Great Depression. The Nazi party managed to increase its vote on the Reichstag vote 9 folds 11 months after the Great Depression. The Great Depression was kind of a good thing that happened during the time of the Nazis
  • The Chancellor Deal

    Hitler continued to gain support and power for his party. Though President Paul Von Hindenburg refused to turn over the chancellorship to Hitler. Hitler had one supporter, the politician Franz Von Papen. Voting power of the NSDAP party was something considered that could favor Hitler. On January 30th 1933, Hitler was offered Chancellorship and invited to for a government by Hindenburg.
  • The Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    A destructive fire in the Reichstag building was staged, this was a boost to Hitler for absolute power. President Hidenburg was asked by Hitler to invoke Article 48 of the Weimar constitution. Hitler also declared a state of emergency beforehand. The broadly worded decree allowed to Nazis to pretty much do whatever they wanted. By removing political opponents, restricting the press, banning meetings, and blocking communications, Hitler made himself more powerful.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Nazis introduced the Enabling Act on March 3rd 1933. With this Act, Hitler could govern without reference to the Reichstag. The Chancellor and minsters ruled by decree and did whatever they wanted. Rigging votes by kidnapping other party members is one of the many things the Nazis did.
  • Concentration Camps Opening

    Concentration Camps Opening
    Hitler initiated the construction of concentration camps in early 1933. These camps were used to imprison political prisoners and people who didn't agree with Nazi ideals.
  • Hindenburg's Death and the Aftermath

    President Hindenburg died on August 2nd 1934, Hitler then took control of the government. Hitler got titled the Fuhrer and was going to act as head of state, government, and armed forces. Hitler had a large meeting to try and convince the public to endorse this constitutional change. The vote result was 90% in agreement, but it is suggested that the vote was rigged.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler reinitiated the Draft to to grow Germany's military. It was a four-year plan to prepare for war. Germany had over 900,000 soldiers, 8,000 aircraft, and 95 warships in early 1939.
  • Anschluss - Austrian Takeover

    A Nazi group had formed in Austria by the mid 1930s. The Austrian Chancellor wanted Austria independence, so he held a vote on March 12 1938. Hitler claimed the voting was rigged and he got a referendum by convincing the Nazi group in Austria to vote. Hitler threaten the chancellor with invasion if he didn't resign. The Chancellor went to France and Britain for help, but they refused. Kurt resigned and Hitler took control. He combined Austria and Germany into one Nation under his govern.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    Hitler then turned his attention to Czechoslovakia, he claimed persecution of Germans by Czechs was taking place there. Hitler met with British prime minister 3 times to discuss this. He agreed to Hitler's demands on the first meeting. During the second meeting Hitler wanted access to move Germans forces into the Sudeten region. On September 29th, Hitler was granted permission to takeover Sudetenland by France, Italy, and England. Though only if he didn't venture further into Czechoslovakia.