
Richard Nixon By Avery

  • Richard Nixon's parents

    Richard Nixon's parents
    Richard Nixon's parents were Francis and Hannah Nixon
  • He married Thelma Catherine

    His wife was Thelma Catherine.
  • When Richard Nixon was born

    When Richard Nixon was born
    Richard Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 in yorba linda,Calofornia
  • Richard Nixon's brothers

    Richard Nixon's brothers
    Richard Nixon had 4 brothers, Harold, Francis,Arthur, and Edward Nixon
  • What he did before he was president.

    What he did before he was president.
    Richard Nixon was a vice president for Dwight D.Eisenhower
  • Richard Nixon's collage

    Richard Nixon's collage
    Richard Nixon went to Wittier Collage
  • Richard Nixon's place of residency.

    His place of residency was the San Claementa
  • His vice president.

    His vice president.
    Richard Nixon's vice president was Spiro Agnew
  • How many years was Richard Nixon president?

    How many years was Richard Nixon president?
    Richard Nixon was president for 6 years!
  • How old was he when he died?

    How old was he when he died?
    Richard Nixon was 81 when he died.
  • When Richard Nixon died.

    When Richard Nixon died.
    He died on April 22,1994