
By kreel1
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    King said colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
  • Writs of Assistance

    Writs of Assistance
  • Period: to

    Townshend Acts

  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    picture citationIn March 1770 a FIGHT broke out between colonists and soldiers. The townspeople threw sticks and stones at the soldiers. After a one of the redcoats was knocked down they opened fire, killing Crispus Attucks and four other colonists. The colonists called it the “Boston Massacre”. After the Boston Massacre, colonists boycotted even more British goods and Parliament REPEALED all the Townshend Acts taxes except for the one on TEA.
  • Midnight Ride: Revere, Cheswell, Dawes

    Midnight Ride: Revere, Cheswell, Dawes
    Paul Revere, Wentworth Cheswell, and William Dawes ride across the countryside warning that the British soldiers are coming.
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