Republican Primary's 2015-16

  • Debate #2

    This debate was very childish. It was not very benneficial to the viewers watching. It was more like a bunch of school kids arguing. They did not act like presidential cannidates do. It was hard to watch and only gave a sneak peak of what was to come in future debates.
  • Debate #3

    Again in this debate no topics of substance were actually talked about, They just bashed the Democractic party and the media. As well they brough up fantasy football.... I thought these people were running for President of the United States, not the President of their Fantasy football league....
  • Debate #4

    In this debate there was a lot of joking around and Trump talking about building his "Wall" and saying how it will work and how it has worked else where. This debate had the feel of a reality TV show and not an actuall debate.
  • Debate #5

    The canidates were bad mouthing one another to make themselves look better (which did the exact opposite). They also put the blame of ISIS and how powerful it has got on the democratic party.
  • Debate #6

    Here they brought up the New York mind set in a negative way. This was not only a shot at New York, but a shot at some of the other canidates. As you could probably guess by now, there was even more joking around and personal attacks at other canidates on the stage.
  • Debate #7

    For once this debate was not a complete waste of time. They talked about some issues. In particular they talked about how they should monitor for people coming into the U.S. and gaining citizenship.
  • Debate #8

    Other canidates started to gang up on Trump because he started to take the lead in the polls. They brought up his casinos and he used eminate domain to gain land for the casinos. Topics such as torture and drug policy were brought up durring the debate.
  • Debate #9

    This debate went back to its old ways of name calling and personal attacks.
  • Debate #10

    With the passing of Supreme Cour Justice the debate was foucused upon wheater or not President Obama should reelect another Supreme Court Justice. It was a strong feeling that they feel he should not because they want to become President and elect another Republican for the Position
  • Debate #11

    Trump continued in his ways of making fun of the other canidates and name calling. Another topic he brought up was the size of his personal area because it was called into question. YES this was actually brought up durring a Presidential debate.
  • Debate #12

    Trump put his input on what former Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney had to say about him. He also started bashing the Ted Cruz and democratic canidate, Hillary Clinton.