
Renaissance, Exploration and Reformation

  • Oct 2, 1440

    printing press

    printing press
    in the west roman empire 1440 gutenberg created his printing press because his goal was to make printing easier. it was an important invention because it evolutionized western culture especially with church reformation
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to


    rennasiance, reformation and exploration.
  • Oct 2, 1492


    in 1492 columbus's objective was to sail west from (spain) until he reached asia instead he hit and colonized america. and took the continent for the spaniards .
  • Period: Jul 8, 1497 to Aug 27, 1499

    Da Gama's Indian Voyage

    Dagama was the first person to sail from europe to india, he captained four vessels one containing his brother who decided to venture south and take advantage of the winds coming from the western affrican coast. they were sailing to india to discover new sea routes in order for their country to make profit.
  • Period: Sep 24, 1501 to Sep 24, 1504

    Michalangelo's David

    instead of other artists who have decided to make a david statue Michalangelo decided to create the statue of the scene before the battle where our character is in a state in between concious choice and action. over the years the statue has become a symbol of courage, strength and youthful beauty. it was a part of a series of twelve large Old Testament sculptures for the buttresses of the cathedral.
  • Period: Oct 2, 1503 to Oct 2, 1517

    mona lisa

    Da Vinci started the mona lisa painting in louvre 1503 and finished in 1517, however the meaning of this painting remains controversal. and is one of the most well known paintings to this date
  • Oct 2, 1513

    the prince

    the prince
    in 1513 Machaevelli wrote the prince it was not published until 1532 with permission from pope Clement VII, Machaevelli wrote it as a job application? https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090904091447AAn6jB7
  • Oct 2, 1517


    in 1517 luther created the 95 theses to reform the catholic church in germany. through his reformation a new religion was started based on his beleifs.
  • Oct 2, 1521

    cortez conqueers the aztecs

    cortez conqueers the aztecs
    with there leader cortez the spanish conqueered the aztecs in modern day mexico, he did it because he was interested in their gold, jewls, etc. this event is important because it gave a good portion of mexico to the spanish and almost completley oblitherated one of the most well known native tribes.
  • Period: Oct 2, 1545 to Oct 2, 1563

    council of trent

    the council of trent was created in northern italy by the roman catholic church. it was created as a way of dealing with witches and reformation.
  • Oct 2, 1564

    shakespears birth

    shakespears birth
    in 1564 william shakespear was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. he then went on to become arguabley the best playwrite/poet in history.