Radio family

Radio History

  • The Spark of Radio

    The Spark of Radio
    1789-Luigi Galvani noticed a spark generated from the leg of a frog from a scalpel. Others expanded this theory.
  • Leading up to Radio

    Leading up to Radio
    1820-Hans Christian Oersted found a relation between electricity and magnetism w/ a wire demonstrating deflection with a compass
  • Electromagnetic Theory

    Electromagnetic Theory
    Michael Faraday undergoes a bunch of experiments of electromagnetic induction. Called "Faraday's Law"
  • The First Radio

    The First Radio
    1895-Guglielmo Marconi builds the first wireless telegraphy system.(Before he dies he admits all the credit go to Tesla)
  • Years and Years of experiments

    Years and Years of experiments
    1895-Alexander Popov(Russian Physicist) builds a hertzian wave(radio wave) based on a lightning detector
  • Whats a Radio without a Station?

    Whats a Radio without a Station?
    Marconi makes a radio station on Isle of Wight, England, with the help of Tesla
  • First Regular Broadcast

    First Regular Broadcast
    First regular broadcasts on 9XM-Wisconsin State Weather(in Morse code)
  • War of The Worlds

    War of The Worlds
    A 60 minute Halloween broadcast which frightened many people into thinking there is a real-life alien invasion
  • MLK "I have a dream speech"

    MLK "I have a dream speech"
    Martin Luther King made his speech about how blacks and whites should live in harmony
  • Events on TV and Radio

    Events on TV and Radio
    1961-1963- John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas TX
  • A Musical Event

    A Musical Event
    Nirvana releases final album called Utero
  • Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson releases the best selling multi-disc album of all time, "you are not Alone".
  • Death of Tupac

    Death of Tupac
    The death of Tupac Shakur
  • Death of Frank Sinatra

    Death of Frank Sinatra
    Frank Sinatra was a music artist, producer, and actor with popular influential music. (An example would be his Christmas songs).
  • The Beatles

    The #1 Best-Selling album of the 2000's