Radio History

  • Marconi

    The radio was invented by Marconi. He sent and received the first radio signal.
  • Audion Tube

    Audion Tube
    Lee De Forest created the Audion Tube that amplified signals. Some believe that Reginald Fessenden invented it. Fessenden did not make it into history books for inventing it though.
  • First Radio Transmission from an airplane

  • KDKA

    KDKA was created by Frank Conrad. KDKA was originally named 8XK. It's broadcasting in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Advertising

    Radios don't charge people to listen to the radio. The do advertisement of different companies that give them money to keep it running.
  • International Broadcasting

    KDKA, which is located in Pittsburg, transmitted something to Britain and it was successful received. It was rebroadcasted in Britain and the BBC became more popular.
  • FRC

    Uncle Charlie became too popular so the FRC was created. They gave out licenses to people and assigned station frequencies.
  • Invention of the Television

    Invention of the Television
    When the T.V. was invented, radio stations had to figure out what to do to keep the radio popular. They decided to play music on the radio.
  • The Golden Era

    The Golden Era
    During the Great Depression the radio was a big hit. People would come home and listen to the radio to get away from their troubles. People would rather save up for a radio than save up to fix anything that was broken.
  • The First FM Radio Station

    The First FM Radio Station
    The first FM radio was invented by Edwin Armstrong. It was the first radio to play with FM and AM. FM radio plays music and AM radio has talk shows.
  • Manufacturing of Radio Stopped

    Manufacturing of Radio Stopped
    In 1942, radios were not being manufactured. Instead defense stuff was being manufactured. When the war was over they continued manufacturing radios.
  • Music Radio

    Music Radio
    Before radios would just have talk shows, stories, etc. In 1970 they started playing 70's rock-and-roll. The music radio was more portable then the other radio.