
Pure Soul Promotional Plan- Katie Starosta

  • Coupons

    The coupons will be given for 25% off of some of the cafes most expensive products, specifically this will be for the Mocha's and fresh baked pastries that the cafe offers. All a customer has to do is simply cut it out and keep it, or print it out from online and bring it into the cafe to buy the discounted item of coffee or pastry item of choice. One way the coupons will be distributed is by e-mail for a younger market and the other way is by newspaper to attract an older audiance.
  • Period: to

    Promotioal Plan timespan

    This promotial plan to save Pure Soul will begin on October 31st 2015 and it will end on Novermber 20th 2015.
  • Coupons Plan

    Coupons Plan
    Pure Soul will be offering a coupon plan free to any customer who would like to earn Cafe Customer benefits. The coupon plan comes in the form of a card that customers can easily carry with them. Each time a customer buys a product whether it be food or beverage they can have their card scanned. Once it is scanned for the tenth time in a row then the customer gets their current purchase for free! The main benefits to the customer is that they get a free item occasionally and e-mailed coupons.
  • Incentive- Contest

    Incentive- Contest
    Pure Soul will be hosting a contest it will be on Saturday, November 7th 2015 from 2:00- 3:00 p.m.. The contest will involve the challenge of making ten cups of coffee beverages that will randomly be selected off of Pure Soul’s cafe menu, then they have to be stacked all in ten minutes. The winner will recieve a free year of small coffee drinks, and a 5lb bag of Colombian Coffee with a Pure Soul mug. The event is sure to be a blast, not a splash!
  • Traffic Builders

    Traffic Builders
    Pure Soul will be giving out free custom coffee stirring spoons to the first one hundred customers who enter the store over November 10th and 11th. Another item given out as an option is Pure Soul T-shirts to show support. This miniature stirring spoon is great for using because it was designed with small holes to move around the sugar or cream added to any coffee beverage. It is simply a good piece to be added to any coffee lover's collection!
  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    The sample that will be given out is a newly created coffee blend exclusive to Pure Soul’s Cafe. The blend is called Vanilla Chocolate Coffee Confection. This new developed coffee flavor will be given out in sample size on large serving trays to customers to earn feed back as well as brand loyalty. Customers will be encouraged to check out the 16 oz packages that are available for purchase by the accessories if they enjoy it. These samples will be given out in many locations to draw intrest.