Public Health Timeline

  • Turberculosis Immunizations Creation

    TB Immunizations with bacilli Calmette-Guerin is being created to cure the children and adults who have Tuberculosis (World Health Organization , 2008).
  • The Creation of the ICD

    The International Classifications of Disease (ICD) was created to set an international standard for the reporting and classifying diseases and injuries along with their causes and effects (World Health Organization , 2008)
  • The Eradication of Malaria

    Malaria was becoming rampant, so in 1955 the launch of the Malaria Eradication began which then later became Malaria Control Programs (World Health Organization, 2008).
  • Small Pox

    Small Pox became an epidemic in the 1950s. Eventually a program was started to stop the spread and find a cure to eradicate it (World Health Organization, 2008).
  • Oral Polio Vaccination

    Dr. Albert Sabin gave the rights of the oral Polio vaccination to WHO to ensure that it is used internationally to help remove and prevent current and future Polio (World Health Organization, 2008).
  • Discovery of the Ebola Virus

    The Ebola Virus is discovered in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (World Health Organization, 2008).
  • Creation of the Global Program

    The Global Program was created to help fight and prevent AIDS as they started becoming more common (World Health Organization , 2008).
  • Macroeconomics and Public Health

    The study of Macroeconomics and health helps researchers determine the effect of health on development (World Health Organization , 2008) .
  • Measles

    The American Red Cross, UNICEF, the United Nations Foundation and CDC all partnered up to launch the Measles Initiative (World Health Organization , 2008).
  • Environment and Health

    WHO promotes the protection of public health from environmental disasters and climate change (World Health Organization, 2008).
  • References

    World Health Organization. (2008). 60 Years; World Health Organization; Our Health, Our future. Retrieved from WHO in 60 years: a chronology of public health milestones: