Project 3, World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression.

  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    Was created before the WW1 began. The Triple Alliance consisted of Austria-Hungary Italy and Germany. (date approximated)
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    Created before the WW1. The Triple Entente, consisted of Russia, Britain, and France. (date approximated)
  • Militarism

    Tear- gas grenades were first used by the French against the Germans. Around this date, was the first time gas grenades were used in war. Gas grenades were very deadly and could kill hundreds at a time without a hint of smell or warning. This poison gas led to many deaths on the battle field, and there was no way to be protected other then using a face mask. (date approximated).
  • Assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murdered on this day, by a Serbian nationalist. They where visiting Sarajevo Bosnia, when a Serbian Nationalist threw a bomb into their car. On their way to seek medical help, they got shot with a gun. This happened because the Serbians believed that Bosnia rightfully belonged to Serbia. This event led to many other crucial events.
  • Blank Check from Germany to Austria-Hungry

    Blank Check from Germany to Austria-Hungry
    After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Germany told Austria-Hungry that they had Germany's full support. Germany claimed they believed the attack was a horrible act and it was crucial to take action. This alliance and support that was assured by Germany was called the blank check. This event and Austria-Hungry's decision to attack led to the war.
  • World War One begins.

    World War One begins.
    Once Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia, Russia came to help Serbia. Then Germany declared war on Russia. Next France declared war against Germany, and Germany against Belgium so that it can use it's land as trespass. Hearing that Germany involved neutral Belgium, Great Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Imperialism

    Germany invades neutral Belgium to use as a trespass. By doing this, Germany showed Imperialism by extending it's power through military force. When Great Britain asks Germany to leave Belgium alone and Germany refuses, Great Britain then extends their military force against Germany.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    A British boat carrying supplies that was headed to England sunk, due to German's U-boat which sunk it. About 1,100 people died because of the Germans attack. This angered many people, and caused them to view Germany negatively. It also caused Americans to be cautious of Germany, as well as traveling overseas.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    This was a note or a letter that Germany sent to Mexico to propose an alliance. The terms were, that if U.S. declared war on Germany, Mexico should declare war on U.S. In return, after Germany's victory, it promised to give Mexico Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. This letter was captured by Great Britain and given to America, later to be known to the public. This strongly upset America and brought it to it's last straw.
  • Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
    Although Germany gave a promise to no longer use their warfare submarines after the incident of the Sinking of Lusitania, the Germans broke their promise. The navy commanders believed using their submarines was an essential part of winning the war and pushed to use the submarines. After a meeting, the Germans agreed among themselves to resume using the submarines unrestricted.
  • U.S entry into war

    U.S entry into war
    President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war on the second of April, and it was passed by the congress on the sixth. America had a big impact on the war. America helped the Allies on the ocean against the Central powers, and they helped reverse the German advancement. America was what the Allies needed to finish the war, and stop Germany.
  • Effects of WW1

    Effects of WW1
    There were tremendous effects of the WW1. About five million Allies soldiers, eight million Central power soldiers died, and six point five civilians died. Due to the Treaty of Versailles, new boarders were re-drawn. In total, nine new countries were created, which were Finland, Austria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania. The effects of the war brought a lot of disillusionment, especially in America, and many Americans regret joining the war. (date approximated).
  • Nationalism

    The Alsace-Lorraine was taken away from the French by Germany. Yet the French were devoted to their nation and wanted to get the Alsace-Lorraine back, which they believed was rightfully theirs. Germany promised to give the French the land with cooperation. This promise was eventually broken by the Germans. (date approximated).
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a document signed by both the Allied Powers and Germany which officially put an end to WW1. This treaty also demanded Germany to pay lots of money and set strict boundaries. This brought Germany to great poverty and distress, yet it also united Germany and brought a sense of Nationalism.
  • Dawes Plan and Young Plan

    Dawes Plan and Young Plan
    The Dawes and Young Plan, was a plan formed in attempt to stabilize Germany's economy at least a little. In this plan, non- German troops were removed from Germany, a bank was formed, etc, all in attempts of renovating Germany's economy.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Due to the fact that after the WW1, there was an imbalance in trade because Countries were borrowing money from America, to buy American things, this led to the Great Depression. Everybody was relying on credit, which are essentially loans. Too many people were spending money that wasn't there, which led to the crash of the stock market. People began to lose jobs and businesses were shut down. Many were homeless. (date approximated).
  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    Hitler was an influential and highly motivated leader. He was determined to gain control and lead Germany, and soon gained almost unlimited power and an army. He became Chancellor on January 30, 1933.