Progressive Era

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    This act was passed to prohibit trusts or monopolies. This act also strengthened a lot of other laws that were being held back because it wasn't passed. The nation's courts used this act to put labor unions and agricultural people among the forbidden combo’s and the restraint of trade.
  • McKinley Dies

    McKinley Dies
    McKinley got shot and Teddy Roosevelt became the 26th president.
  • Hatters Union

    Hatters Union
    There was a worldwide boycott of a non-union hat manufacturer in Danbury, Connecticut. The manufacturer sued the union for not abiding by the Sherman Antitrust Act by combining to restrain trade.
  • Coal Mining Industry Strike/Strike Ends

    Coal Mining Industry Strike/Strike Ends
    The coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike because of bad working conditions. After a few months of protesting the workers and their bosses finally came to an agreement that they would only work 9 hour days and have a 10% wage increase.
  • Food and Drug Act/Meat Inspection

    Food and Drug Act/Meat Inspection
    The congress passed this act to expose the patent drug, meatpacking, and food industry. Also that same exact day they passed another meat inspection law. The US government must inspect all the meat that humans could consume so that they aren't bad for the people. All animals must be inspected pre-slaughter.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    The Germans surrender and the allies win the war.