
Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalhul

    It's for a specific computers.
  • Fortran

    It's purpose was to make translation of math formulas much easier.
  • Lisp

    It's purpose is for beginners to learn advance code.
  • Basic

    It's purpose was to create a interactive time frame.
  • RPG

    It's purpose is for IBM i operating system.
  • Logo

    It's purpose to have more interactive learning code.
  • Colbol

    It's purpose was for business applications.
  • Pascal

    It's purpose is to practice structured program & data.
  • B

    It's purpose to fit within the memory capacity.
  • C

    this program was for the PDP Unix System.
  • ML

    It's purpose is to types expressions W/O annotations.
  • Mathmatical

    serve as vehicle for monogram.
  • ADA

    this program is high level and it is meant for the Army, Air-force, Navy, and etc.
  • C++

    It's purpose was to make programs much easier.
  • SQI

    It's purpose is to update data on the database or retrieve data.
  • Python

    It's for testing microchips for Intel, powering Instagram, & video games.
  • Java

    It's code that is used in handheld devices & set top boxes.
  • Visual Basic

    It's designed for beginners.
  • PHP

    It's purpose is to create personal home page tools.
  • Dephi

    It's purpose was for Windows V3.1 or Windows '95.
  • Javascript

    It's purpose is to interact with a webpage.