Programming Languages - Salisbury

  • Plankalkul

    Developers: Konrade Zuse -
    A programming language designed for engineering purposes. It was the first high-level (non-von Neumann) programming language to be designed for a computer.
    German for "Plan Calculus".
  • Fortran

    Developers: John Backus -
    It is a language special developed to let the computer execute number crunching operations. It was the first high level language.
    Formula Translation/ Translator

    Developers: Remington Rand -
    Marketing name for the AT-3 (algebraic translator 3)
  • Lisp

    Developers: John McCarthy -
    A family of computer programming languages based on formal functional calculus. Stores and manipulates programs in the same manner as any other data, making it well suited for "meta-programming" applications.
    List Processing Language

    Developers: Grace Hopper -
    Primarily used in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. widely used in legacy applications deployed on mainframe computers, such as large-scale batch and transaction processing jobs.
    COmmon Business-Oriented Language.
  • RPG

    Developers: IBM -
    A high-level programming language for business applications.
    Report Program Generator
  • Basic

    Developers: John George Kenny, Thomas Eugene Kurtz -
    A family of general-purpose, high-level programming languages whose design philosophy emphasizes ease of use.
    Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  • LOGO

    Developers: Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, Cynthia Solomon -
    Used primarily as a tool of education, used to teach children and adults alike to program. Widely known for use of turtle graphics.
    Derived from the Greek " logos" meaning word or thought
  • B

    Developers: Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie -
    Primarily used for non-numeric applications such as system programming. These typically involve complex logical decision-making, and processing of integers, characters, and bit strings.
    My be a contraction of BCPL.

    Developers: Niklaus Wirth -
    A small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring. easy to read, very clean.
    Named after 17th century mathematician Blaise Pascal.
  • C

    Developers: Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie -
    A general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.
  • ML

    Developers: Robin Milner -
    A general-purpose, modular, functional programming language with compile-time type checking and type inference.
    Meta Language
  • SQL

    Developers: Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond F. Boyce -
    A domain-specific language designed for managing data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system.
    Sounds like Sequel
  • ADA

    Developers: Jean Ichbiah, S. Tucker Taft -
    structured, statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object-oriented high-level computer programming language, extended from Pascal and other languages.
    Named after Ada Lovelace
  • C++

    Developers: Bjarne Stroustrup -
    a general-purpose object-oriented programming (OOP) language and is an extension of the C language.
  • Python

    Developers: Guido Van Rossum -
    A script language that can be used for web programming, as well as desktop applications. Emphasizes code readability, and a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code.
    Named after Monty Python
  • Visual Basic

    Developers: Alan Cooper -
    A programming environment from Microsoft in which a programmer uses a graphical user interface to choose and modify pres-elected sections of code written in the BASIC programming language.
  • Delphi

    Developers: Larry Tesler -
    Both an object oriented programming language (OOP) and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Delphi is an alternative to language such as Visual Basic offering development with both rapidity and good quality.
  • Java

    Developers: James Gosling -
    A general-purpose computer-programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
  • Javascript

    Developers: Brendan Eich -
    Most commonly used as a client side scripting language.
  • PHP

    Developers: Rasmus Lerdorf -
    A widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.
    Hypertext Preprocessor